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I talked to all of my hyungs already, my birthday was over yesterday and I'm officially 18. I'm legal and I'm now a man. And also, today is the day that I'll tell my hyungs if who do I really love.

They just gave me sad smiles after the talk. Tae-hyung almost cried in front of me saying, “I already have someone in my mind if who's hyung are you talking about but I'm hoping that it's me.” And all I could do was hug him tight that time.

I first had a talk with Jimin-hyung in a cafe near the house. He was so happy but also sad cause he said that he got a feeling he isn't him that I love.. I just smiled at him.

The talk I had with Hoseok-hyung was the happiest and funniest, he joked all the time. Saying that he knew who's the hyung I'm talking about. But I know he was hurt.. I'm sorry.

Tae-hyung and I went to a pet shop during our talk, we both like animals especially dogs and cats. We were playing with them but then a tear fell from his eyes but saw him wiping it immediately. I hugged him while humming a song that made him cry more. I don't know if I should cry too or laugh that time because he was being so cute.

And yesterday, Namjoon-hyung and I talked.. He brought me into his so-called studio where he works. He said that he made a song for me. He put an earphone to my ears then we listened to it. I was so happy that time that I hugged Namjoon-hyung ever so tightly. I thanked him and he said it's alright. “I'll support you, no matter what, Jinnie.. just choose wisely, kay? Heart isn't easy to be mend.” That's the advice he gave me that made me nod and smile.

The talk I had with Jungkook-hyung was the most dramatic.. and kinda awkward for me. We both cried while holding each other's hands. Saying sorrys and iloveyous while wishing me a happy birthday. We cuddled all day while watching TV. Jungkook-hyung said that he wish all the best for me and for the one I love then he cried in my arms till he fell asleep.

After that, I talked with Yoongi-hyung. He isn't talking, he's just humming and smiling all the time, holding my hands then lastly, kissing my forehead. But he talked to me afterwards, carressing my hair gently, he said. “I'm happy that you already found someone, Seokjin-ah. Always remember that Me, your Yoongi-hyung will always be here for you and whoever that someone is.. I hope that he'll make you happy. After all, you're still my baby. Happy 18th birthday.” We laughed then I nodded. Hugging him and saying thankyou.

Now, we are all in the living room, all serious but smiling. The comfortable silence engulfing us. “Okay, hyungs. I'll confess now.”


a/n; 3 chapters left, i think? i'm still writing it. idk. anyways, thankyou to all of the readers of this story! i still don't want to end this but i need to since i'm working on a taehyung x reader fanfic. and i'm really busy because of school. i love you all. xoxo

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