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Third Person's

Yoongi-hyung? I'm gonna come in, okay?”

Seokjin heard a soft voice outside the room, he quickly covered his whole body with the comforter, knowing that it isn't Taehyung nor Yoongi. They probably forgot to lock the door.

Yoongi-hyung! Get your lazy ass off your bed!” The voice shouted, making Seokjin flinched a little.

The person who entered Yoongi's room started to shake Seokjin's body– since he thought it was Yoongi.

Seokjin groaned a little, feeling hurt at the sudden shaking. He's not used to be shaken. He's not a food or anything that should be mixed/shaked.

“Oh, are you sick, hyung? You're voice isn't the same.” The voice asked, feeling worried.

Seokjin closed his eyes shut tightly when he felt that the comforter was being pulled away from his face and body.

The owner of the voice gasped as he saw a young little boy instead of a grandpa-like-Yoongi.

“Who are you?”

A guy who looks like a bit more older than him, asks. He bit his lower lip and he sucked his breathe harshly, feeling tensed.

“I am K-Kim Seok-se-seokjin.. uhm.. I'm..”

“Why are you here?”

“How old are you?”

“Where did you come from?”

“Are you a kidnapper?”

Okay, that was the most stupid question he have asked in his whole existence.

“I am Yoongi-hyung and Tae-hyung's friend.. I guess..” Seokjin answered while nervously playing with his fingers.

The person just sighed. Nodding a little. “Sorry for scaring you, I'm Jungkook by the way.”

“N-nice to meet you, Jungkook-hyung?” Seokjin unsurely said, more sounding like a question.

“Why don't you try to call me oppa?”

“Isn't that for girls only?”

“You're an exception.”

Oh.” is all Seokjin could say.

“Wait here, okay? I'll call the others to meet you.” Jungkook commanded but Seokjin just shook his head.

“Please, no. Yoongi-hyung and Tae-hyung told me not to. They should– they should meet me by theirselves, they said.” Seokjin cutely and shyly gave Jungkook a smile.

“Are they keeping you? I mean.. how long have you been here already? Or did you just arrived?” Jungkook asks Seokjin, as calmly as he could, trying his best not to scare the little boy.

“Ah, ani. I think it's been one week and three days already until today.” Seokjin answered, curiously counting into his mind and nodded to himself when he secured that his answer's right.

Hmmn, I see. That's why Yoongi-hyung and Taehyung had been hanging out more in here lately, they have a really beautiful guest.” Jungkook smirked then winked, his voice turning husky.

He cornered the 15 year old boy unto his arms, hovering above the innocent boy, eyes questioning him.. “Ah, Jungkook-hyung? What are you doing?” Seokjin asked, not having any idea of what Jungkook was doing above him.

“Do you know how beautiful you are, hmn?” Jungkook whispered into the boy's ear, his hot breathe hitting the boy's ear and neck.

“I should be handsome, right? I'm a boy, hyung.” Seokjin said, his brows knotted– thinking why his hyungs were calling him beautiful instead of handsome.

“Then should I rephrase it? Well, Seokjin. You're pretty handsome..” Jungkook then again whisper, making Seokjin shiver because of his hot breathe, hitting the boy's neck and ear.

T-thanks, hyung.” Seokjin smiled, stuttering because of the sudden compliment.

“I'll be going but before that, let's make a deal alright?” Jungkook said, finally sitting instead of hovering above the little boy, putting his pinky finger up. “Don't tell Yoongi-hyung or Taehyung that I found out about you already, alright? I want this to be our secret until they find out TOO theirselves.” Jungkook put his pinky finger in front of the boy, waiting for him to locked it with his.

“O-okay, h-hyung..” Seokjin nodded like a puppy, locking his pinky into Jungkook's.

“Good. I'll see you again, okay?” Jungkook said, waving his goodbye to Seokjin.

Seokjin waved back until the door locked, again. He laid his back on the bed. He's already fine, his sickness was already gone but he can't STILL go outside. When the others knew about him already, maybe, he can.

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