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Third Person's

Yugyeom, Jimin, follow me.”

Jimin and Yugyeom did what the teacher said and they are really aware and sure that they'll be going to the guidance office.

“I-I told y-you! I didn't do anything like that!” Yugyeom yelled at Jimin but the older just rolled his eyes, holding back his anger.

As the two reached the guidance office with the teacher.. Jimin couldn't help but to glare at Yugyeom. Throwing deadly glares that could kill you if it's possible.

“Tell us the whole real story, Jimin-ssi.” The Principal calmly said, tapping Jimin's back to make the latter calm.

Yugyeom rolled his eyes and smirked as if he was confident that he won't be punished because he'll act and cry then make Jimin's story unbelievable.

Who the hell would believe that I tried to rape someone if my face looks angelic? And I'm good in acting. Hah. Yugyeom confidently thought.

But hell, he's wrong. Jimin is good at this, he knows or maybe-- everybody knows that Yugyeom is one of the horny badboys in this school. So, Jimin might have the favor.

Yugyeom. I know that your father owns the 25% share in this school but we cannot let you enter this school again after what you've done! We've always been receiving reports that you tried to touch every innocent students here then beat them after so some of them just decided to leave the school. Sorry to say this, but how much of an asshole are you, brat?” The Principal closed his hands into fists, trying to let all his anger there and ready to fight the student if he could.

“W-what? You'll j-just believe him l-like that? T-that easy?” Yugyeom stated, tears streaming down his face. “W-why is t-this school is so u-unfair?” Yugyeom supressed loud sobs while hiding his face using his palm.

“Nice acting, you li'l piece of shit.” Jimin gritted his teeth, closing his fist tight, ready to fight Yugyeom.

Yugyeom, this is the 49th report that we recieved regarding you- trying to touch transferees and goodlooking innocent students. Do you think we'll let this slip again this time? We can't afford to loose more intelligent students just because of your goddamn hormones!” It's the teacher's turn to shout, making Yugyeom flinch.

“There's so many Yugyeom in this school!” He defended himself, trying to earn their sympathy but-

“Yeah, there's so many students named Yugyeom here but you're just the only Yugyeom who's trying to go in every student's pants.” Jimin spat while looking intensely to Yugyeom. “You deserved to be tortured.”

Jimin is one of the sweetest and caring students in this school, he's never been so angry like this cause he's like an cinnamon roll to anyone but after what happened to Seokjin– to the lovely Kim Seokjin, this side of him is now showing.

“So what punishment huh?! 30 laps of running?!” Yugyeom wiped his tears since his acting's not working, he rolled his eyes to everyone then crossed his arms like a boss.

“What if, run till you die? Sounds good, right?” Jimin smirk then draw his face nearer to Yugyeom's ear. “Or I'll just beat you to death?” He whisperes, trying his best not to be heard by the Principal and Teacher.

“Ugly douchebag.” Yugyeom spat, rolling his eyes to Jimin.

“Punishment? We'll kick your ass out of this school and we'll make sure you can't find any school to go to since they won't accept the hell out of you.” Maybe cursing and saying foul words is not good for a principal to say but he just had enough. He's a father too..

“I'll report all of you for doing this to me! I'm not guilty about everyone's report about me!” Yugyeom stands up and ready to walk out but Jimin held on his wrist tightly that would probably bruised after. “What the fuck, you clingy koala! Get your filthy hands off me!” Yugyeom tried to get rid of Jimin's hold but he just failed. “You, shit.” He doesn't have any choice but to sit again so he did.

“Park Jimin, you may go to your room. We'll take care of this.”

“Wow, this is hell.”

“Shut up, Yugyeom!”

“Whatever oldies.”

Though Jimin wants to stay, he know that he needs to attend his class already so he wave his goodbye to the Principal and Teacher. And also to Yugyeom– by punching his face harshly.

“Goodbye, kid. Have a nice nice day.” And with that, Jimin steps out of the room.


a/n; how's this chapter? is it boring? thankyou for the 1.30k+ reads! wah, and thanks for the comments. sorry for the grammatical and typographical errors. hope im doing good. xxx

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