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Third Person's

ALMOST THREE YEARS had already passed. And now, Yoongi is 23, Hoseok and Namjoon are both 22, Jimin is 21, Taehyung turning 21, Jungkook is 20 and Seokjin turning 18..

Changes. There's a lot. They don't even want to talk about it but here they are, silently recalling all of the precious memories with the person who's changing terribly fast, and that person is..

“Jinnie! It's time to eat!” Hoseok shouted, knocking into the latter's door.

Seokjin just rolled his eyes in annoyance then shouted. “I've already eaten!”

“But Jin--”

“Would you please stop calling me that?! It's Seokjin!” He shouted again, really really loud like a growl that all of the people inside of the house heard him even though he's inside of his room.

Hoseok sighed with a single tear falling from his eyes, he immediately wiped it. He didn't know what happened-- what happened to Seokjin to be this cold and rude.

Where's the Seokjin that loves to be called as ‘Jinnie’? Where's the Seokjin who would smile brightly to them when they have problems? Where's the innocent Seokjin they've loved? Where's the little Seokjin they kept?

The little Seokjin who looked fragile and charming. So beautiful and innocent for this world. So smart and caring to them all. The little Seokjin who would sneak in to every hyungs room when he was having a nightmare.

The one who would gave them strength and would hug them very tight when they had so much problems. The one who would throw lame jokes..

Their one and only Angel Kim Seokjin is now gone.. and his personality changed, there's so much change that if they could just turn back the time, they would cherish every single moment Seokjin was doing.

The way he smiles, laughs, awkwardly dance, angelic voice when he sings, innocent eyes, the old Kim Seokjin..

Seokjin-ah. I missed the younger you so much.. we missed you.” Jimin whispered as he hugged Hoseok who's blankly sitting on the floor, looking and waiting for Seokjin's door to open.

“I'm sorry, hyungs.” Seokjin whispered back, sighing as he lie his body in his bed then he closed his eyes.


Seokjin-ah! Breakfast is ready!” Taehyung's deep voice rang onto Seokjin ears, making the younger roll his eyes.

He was getting ready for school already and he doesn't have any interest on eating with them. He would rather eat on the school's cafeteria alone than eating with his hyungs.

He opened his room's door and saw his Yoongi-hyung there, standing straight with fist clenched. But he didn't move a bit, he just rolled his eyes on his hyung, ready to take his leave.

“Where are you going?” Yoongi tried to be as calm as he intended to be but failed, his voice sounds scary and raspy as usual.

School.” The younger shortly answered, rolling his eyes to Yoongi again, dropping all the honorifics and was about to go but the older held on his wrist tightly. “What?!” Seokjin shouted in annoyance but the latter just held his wrist more tighter if that's even possible.

“You won't go to school today. We'll talk.”

“Excuse me?! Are you kidding me?! I'll be having quizzes today!”

“Shut your mouth.”

“No way--”


And Seokjin finally did. He stubbornly stomped his feet towards his room with Yoongi behind his back. When they are finally inside his room, Yoongi closed the door.

“Now tell me what the hell is your problem again?” Seokjin harshly asked, not caring if Yoongi is older than him.


“Pardon?! Me?!” Seokjin pointed his finger on his own face and Yoongi coldly nodded.

“Your attitude is turning into a trash.” Yoongi blurted out. “We did our best to understand the changes that's happening to you but hell, you're attitude is getting worst.” He explained.

The younger just rose his eyebrow, “So?” He rudely uttered making Yoongi grit his teeth.

“Listen here, brat. I don't care if this is part of every teenagers maturity stage but I'm so done with you! We didn't raise you to be like this! Nine months, Seokjin. Nine months of not calling us as your hyungs! Nine months of being so rude and I've enough of that.” Yoongi angrily spat.

But Seokjin just shrugged his broad shoulders, “And then? Are you done?” He nonchalantly asks.

Yoongi pulled his collar and gave Seokjin a slight punch to his right cheek making the younger to smirk slightly.

“You're getting really older, you're turning weak. Just atleast rest.” He boastfully told the older then smirked.

He slung his bag on his shoulder then leave Yoongi dumbfounded with a tear rolling down his pale white skin.

He made Yoongi cry..


a/n; i am a horrible and a bad author pls don't kill me. so, do you like this turning into 18 year old seokjin? worst than jungkook ryt? i hope this isn't confusing, i'll explain what happened on the nxtnxt chapters xx CONTINUE THIS OR NOT? xoxo

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