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Third Person's

Jungkook smiles at their kiss, he couldn't believe it, Seokjin chose him.. among all of them, he chose Jungkook.

He laid the younger to the soft and comfortable bed while slightly biting him on the neck. “J-jungkook...hyung.” Seokjin moaned.

Jungkook smirked, his confidence boosting because of the younger's moan. He lift Seokjin's shirt slowly then starts to attack Seokjin's body with his wet kisses and all the younger could do was to moan, enjoying their very first intimate moment together.

He placed his hands on Seokjin's growing bulge, palming its clothed member slowly and Seokjin started panting.

“You know,” Jungkook stated in a very husky way and Seokjin shivered. “I'd always wanted to do this kind of thing with you and I'm very happy you're mine now.” He finished then licked the younger's ear very sensually.

Seokjin didn't talked, he's just feeling the moment, enjoying it like it'll be the last.

Jungkook then pulled down Seokjin and his' pants with their undergarments and both of their cock sprung.

“Already hard for me?” He asked the younger teasingly and Seokjin just covered his now crimson red face. “Aw, baby, don't be shy..”

Seokjin couldn't wait more so he switched their positions, he was now the one who is hovering his hyung.

“Would it be fun if I'll top, hyung?” It's now Seokjin's turn to tease and Jungkook couldn't deny how sexy Seokjin look on top of him. “What do you think?” The youngest asked again.

Jungkook couldn't hide the smirk on his face. Ofcourse he wouldn't let Seokjin top him, he's the older one afterall.

“How about NO?” Jungkook said then flipped their positions again.

Seokjin just chuckled nervously and Jungkook thrust a finger to his hole without any warning, “AH! H-hyung! It h-hurts!” Seokjin screamed, squirming a bit.

Jungkook thrust his finger slowly so Seokjin could adjust. When he saw how Seokjin's face relax, he inserted another finger, making it two. He started scissoring the younger's hole.

The younger moaned, he bit his lip so he could stop himself from moaning loudly but failed when Jungkook plunged his third finger.

Jungkook's fingers started to work magic to Seokjin's hole. “I'm c-close, hyung!” Seokjin screamed when Jungkook hitted a spot.

Jungkook just shook his head, he took out his fingers and smirk, leaving Seokjin unattended and needy..

He started marking Seokjin's body again, licking and biting the milky and soft skin of the younger.

“Hmm.. hyung.. please.” Seokjin moaned.

The younger look like a mess but he still managed to look very sexy and the erotic image in front of Jungkook made him plunged his cock into Seokjin's hole slowly.

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