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Third Person's

"I'll introduce you to all of my friends and just act that you don't really know me, okay? Act like we've just newly met and we've been chosen to be partners. Alright?" Jungkook instructed Seokjin who nervously nodded. "Don't worry, I know Yoongi-hyung and Taehyung would act like they doesn't know you too."

Seokjin and Jungkook both started to walk, closing Jungkook's room. They walk till they reached the dining room.

"Ehem, erm." Jungkook fake a cough to earn everybody's attention and all of his friends turned their heads to them, especially to Seokjin.

Yoongi and Taehyung's eyes widened. Not expecting that Jungkook would be the classmate he was talking about in their text.

"Hey, cutie." Jimin gave Seokjin his signature smirk, earning a gasped from the younger, finding himself having a hard time to breathe or maybe Seokjin's just exaggerating.

"Okay, so meet Seokjin.. my partner for our project. He'll be staying here till tomorrow, if that's okay?" Jungkook introduced Seokjin.

"Ofcourse, he can sleep on my room." Namjoon flirtily said. "With me." He added.

Jungkook just shook his head. "Gosh, hyung. He's 4 years younger than you, how can you flirt with him like that?" Jungkook said, frowning.

"Age doesn't matter, right Seokjin?" Yoongi suddenly asks, out of the blue, smiling at Seokjin sweetly.

"Y-yes, hyung." Seokjin shyly answered.

Seokjin was asking himself why are they like that to him. They're boys right? Why are they hitting on me? But are they really?

"Is it okay to date a boy when you're a boy also?" Seokjin curiously asks, his brows knotted like he was thinking something really deep.

"It is, Seokjin. Look at you, you're beautiful, who wouldn't date you?" Hoseok answered, smiling brightly.

"O-oh, okay.."

"Take a seat, you two. We'll be eating already."


Dinner's done and Seokjin insisted to help Jimin and Hoseok to clean the dining table and the dishes also.

"Seokjin-ah, is it okay if I'll call you Jinnie, instead?" Jimin asks Seokjin cutely, earning a nod from the younger.

"Y'all can, hyung." Seokjin giggled. He thought that the nickname is cute so he was flattered.

"You're so cute!" Jimin hugged the younger tightly and he hugged back, comfortably feeling Jimin's warm body into his. "I would love to cuddle with you all day, you're so smol and fluffy and cute and.. and a good cuddlebuddy!" Jimin finished. He doesn't have any plans on letting go Seokjin from the hug, he loves the feeling.

"Oh my god, Park Jimin. Are you harassing Jin?" Hoseok suddenly came into the picture, holding a rag to clean the table.

"No, hyung. Geez! We're hugging!"

"Can I join?" Hoseok asked.

Before Jimin could react, Seokjin already said Yes and now they were having a group hug. "Yehey." Jimin sarcastically cheered.

"What's happening in here?" Namjoon entered the picture too, he suits himself into the hug and the others couldn't argue with him.

Little did they know. Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung were watching them getting close to Seokjin, their eyes burning and their heart clenching. Not knowing why and how.

Maybe they're jealous? Or maybe they're just being protective. Who knows? They know, me too. Lol. Hehe.

"Seokjin, to my room, NOW." Jungkook commanded, popping somewhere then walked away to go to his room.

Seokjin gulped but he didn't know why. He's feeling nervous but he didn't know why again. Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok just gave him as smile then lets him go.

He was slowly walking to Jungkook's room, feeling nervous, and thrilled. He slowly opened the door, going in then he closed the door.

"Lock the door." Jungkook commanded and Seokjin did. "Come here." Jungkook tap the space beside him on the bed while expressing no emotions and Seokjin did what Jungkook had ordered him again.

When Seokjin was already lying beside Jungkook. He hovered over the boy again, "Do you know what a kiss is?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow and the younger nodded, gulping. "Do it to me and I'll tell you what is dick." He commanded the younger.

Seokjin didn't know what to do. Should he kiss the older to his cheeks? To his forehead? To his nose? Or.. Seokjin consciously looked into Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook noticed Seokjin's stare so he was the one who did the first move. He kissed Seokjin's lip and now licking it, all Seokjin could do is let Jungkook do whatever he wants.

When Jungkook's already satisfied. He smirked to Seokjin, "Do you wanna know it already?" and Seokjin nod.

His hands roams around Seokjin's body until it reached the boy's crotch making the boy gulped again. He palmed Seokjin's clothed member and the boy immediately felt weak and weird, his knees and legs turning into jelly. He was moaning innocently, feeling the pleasure that Jungkook's giving him.

"This is a dick." Jungkook cooly whispers into Seokjin's ear and Seokjin couldn't reply cause he was busy moaning.

Jungkook stopped, making Seokjin groaned in frustration. "H-hyung!" He whined but Jungkook just shook his head and chuckled.

"No, Seokjin. We're going to do our project, right?"

"Uh.. yeah.. right."


a/n; oh man holy shit. sorry, i suck at writing scenes like this. sorry for my broken english, is it broken? sorry :< bear with me please hehe. xoxo

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