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Third Person's

There's a boy named Kim Seokjin who's roaming around the city alone. Wet and feeling cold. He doesn't have anyone to be with and any house or apartment to go to. In short, he's homeless, a loner..

His parents passed away when he was just 14 and his aunt kicked him out of their own house today and told him that he doesn't have any right on staying there. He gets abused by his aunt anyways so he don't really mind. But he's worried that he doesn't have anyone to go to. That's the reason why he's now roaming around the city, alone, wet, cold, with a bag on his trembling hands.

Now that he's already 15.. he still can't afford getting an apartment. He's still innocent and a fragile little boy who doesn't know where to go.

“Eomma, Appa, please come back.” Seokjin whispers, looking down to his now soaking wet shoes..


His eyes widened when he heard that familiar voice. He looked up to see his mother, pointing a house. A big white house who seems to be haunted..

Seokjin tried to hug his mother but it suddenly disappeared. He sighed, he thought that maybe.. maybe he was hallucinating. He can't move on from his mother and father's death.

He look where his mother pointed a while ago. He started to walk until he was in front of the big white house already.. he opened the gate and surprisingly, it's not closed.

He sat in front of the door since he's afraid to go in to the house. He's afraid.. but he needs shelter. So he decided to knock three times but no one's answering. He tried to open the big door– expecting it to be locked but it's open.

He sneak his head in, looking from left to right. He walk in and laid his tired body on the nearest sofa, not minding his rain-soaked body. Not caring if he might catch a cold or someone catching him from sleeping in this house.

“Sweet dreams to me..” The little boy whispered to himself, closed his eyes, a tear escaping on his red and tired eyes.


a/n; first chapter! sorry for my typographical and grammatical error. hope you liked this! sorry if it's short also hehe

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