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“There's nothing really serious about his condition, he just need to rest and he'll be okay.” The doctor then excused himself, leaving Seokjin and I alone in the room.

“I told you.” I boastfully said with a smirk. “No need to bring me here.” I added.

He just roll his eyes on me while crossing his arms tightly. “Well, it's because you looked hurt.”

“I am.” I said with a sigh.

The atmosphere became heavy because of that. It's just the two of us inside the room but I feel like I am suffocating.. I can't breathe.

“I missed you..” I blurted out without thinking straight and with that, he look at me, straight into my eyes, he's like questioning my words. “..so much.”

I saw his eyes widen in confusion.. ofcourse he won't believe in me anymore, I am the real coward. I'm admitting it and I'm regretting all of the bad things I'd done to him, every hurtful words I'd said to him.

“You are lying.” That three words pained my heart. He think that I'm a liar..

“Maybe I am but I am telling the truth right now. The very truth.” My voice was full of sincerity, hoping that he'll finally believe every words I'm saying.

He looked away, looking anywhere but not in me, not into my eyes. I think.. I really lost him now, I lose. I'm a loser.

“I am happy that you're concern.”

“You're an idiot.”

“I know.”

Silence.. it's just so silent that I felt like I'm alone, in a room, without somebody to cuddle.. but Seokjin is there and I am afraid that he would leave.

“You can leave if you want.” I smiled, the most fakest one. “I will be fine. I'm fine now.”

“I won't and you're not. I'll stay.. here, beside you.” He sat on the chair beside the bed where I was laid.

“You can-”

“I said, I won't. Now.. I want you to tell me.. tell me everything I need to know.”

I think it's time..



I was looking outside the window, waiting for someone, someone that I love so much, someone I'm longing for..

His smiles, his laughs, his giggles, his awkwardness, his innocence, his cuddles, his voice, everything about him.. Everything. About. Seokjin.

What if I didn't told Jungkook to stay away from him? Will he stay the same?

What if Jungkook didn't become like that to him? Am I able to still hear him giggle and laugh?

What-if's, What-could-have-beens, What-happeneds. There's so many questions I wanted to ask, but couldn't be told and will remain untold.

“Hey, hyung.”

My attention was soon caught by Taehyung, he sat beside me. He's smiling sadly at me and I don't know why.. or maybe I know.

“You look sad.”

“You too.”

I sighed, a very deep one. They're sad and it's my fault, It's all my fault. I'm trying to be dumb and not to feel guilty about the sadness they're feeling but I have to admit it, it's partly my fault.

I felt Taehyung's hand on my shoulder, gently tapping it while humming a song sweetly. Seokjin used to do this.” He said with a sad smile, still doing it.

“Right.. he would always hum or sing lullabies for us to fall asleep.” Reminiscing the good times is very painful.

“We should be the one doing that though but he was so hardheaded that time. He would stubbornly slap our butts if we still don't want to sleep.. Ah, our little Kim Seokjin is really growing up.” Taehyung said then smile, almost tearing up.

“Growing away from us rather.”


a/n; i am very sorry.

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