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Today's the first day of school. Wow, I'm so excited. Please notice my sarcasm.. aish.

“Oh, Jungkookie. You woke up so early huh? You excited for school?” Hoseok-hyung asks while flipping a pancake.

I clapped my hands nonchalantly. “Yes, hyung. Yehey!”

“Oh my god, who are you kidding. You hated school.” Hoseok-hyung sighed whilst putting a pancake in front of me. “But Taehyung woke up earlier. Maybe he's on the school already. Weird but he's like that already so why question.” Hoseok-hyung shrugged.

I just focused on my food. Putting chocolates and whipped creams on it. And a cherry on top as a finished product.

“Is Yoongi-hyung in his room?”

“He drove Tae to school.”

“Oh, thanks hyung!”

I carefully walked onto Yoongi-hyung's room with my pancake on hand. I opened the door and surprisingly, Seokjin isn't there. Where is he?

“Maybe Yoongi-hyung bring him back to his parents?” I sighed heavily at the thought, I barely even know the kid. Sigh.

“Morning, Jungkookie!” I heard someone greeted, though he's on my back, I know it's Jimin-hyung.

“Yeah, morning.” I greeted back, having no emotions on my face. “Anyways, take this. I'll be going to school already.” I gave him the pancake while frowning a bit.

“It's so early, Jungkook.”

“I know, hyung.”

I picked up my bag then put it on my shoulder. I fixed my hair then spray some perfume. I think, I look okay now.

I just walk till school. It's just a walking distance from our house, I don't know why Yoongi-hyung needs to give Taehyung-hyung a ride, is he feeling unwell?

When I reached the school gate, I'm not really surprised that the school looks empty, most of the students always comes late, including Jimin-hyung.

I yawned. Feeling a bit sleepy, I walked into my room and surprisingly saw someone.

His head was resting to the armchair, looks like sparing a sleep while it's still so early.

Hey.” I tapped his shoulder but he's still sleeping a bit soundly. “The Adviser will barged in soon, lecture's coming, wake up, there's only twenty minutes.” I tapped on his shoulders again.

He looked up then rubbed his eyes cutely. Yawning and finally stretching his arms.. Seokjin?” I asks, more on to myself while looking into the boy closely.

“O-oh, H-hi hyung..” He bit his lower lip, looking down, his hands waving on me shyly.

“You're studying in here too? What a coincedence.” I said whilst smiling, my bunny teeth showing.

“You look like a dick when you're smiling like that, hyung!” He said then giggled.

God, do I really look like a dick when my bunny teeth's showing? I thought it was my asset? Geez.

“I'm offended.” I pout cutely on him then sat to the chair beside him.

W-Why? S-Sorry, hyung.. uhm. I-I thought e-everyone wants to be called like t-that since it m-means cute, r-right?”

“So you don't know what's the meaning of dick? Oh god, you're so innocent.”

“Is it a b-bad t-thing? I-I mean..”

“No, It's cute actually.”

I saw his cheeks turning pink so I carressed it softly but it turned more pink, nearly getting red. Aww, so cute.

“When you grow up, maybe like my age, I'll show you what dick is, okay?” I grinned and he excitedly nodded. “But what are you doing here?”

“I'm going to study here, hyung.”

“No, I mean.. shouldn't you be 3rd year?”

“I was accelerated, that's why!”

“That's good.”

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