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I was currently finding a guy named Yugyeom into Seokjin's classroom. Seokjin is asleep on the infirmary so he can't stop me from doing this.

I will not tolerate this kind of harassment. He tried to touch Seokjin! The very innocent and fragile, Kim Seokjin.

“Can you tell me when is your class starting? I'll just announce and ask something.” I tried to smile but it faded quickly.

“Eight minutes.” The girl kindly answered, bowing her head before going inside the classroom.

I lean my back to the wall. Waiting for all of that classroom's students to come in and for their teacher also.

That Yugyeom guy just crossed the line. Yes, Seokjin is 15. It's normal to be dirty-minded but Seokjin isn't. He's so fragile, innocent, pure.. and not a toy for sex. He doesn't even know what sex is, right?!

“Oi, hyung. What are you doing in front of my classroom? Were you looking for Seokjin?” Jungkook asks, his brows knotted but his eyes looks sleepy.

“I'm looking for a guy named Yugyeom.”

“Oh, Yugyeom. Why?”

“He tried to touch Seokjin.”


“Sit on your chair.”

I am angry, madly angry. First, he tried to touch the most innocent guy in town. Second, he hurted him. Third, that's Kim Seokjin.

Now, he's going to pay.

“Oh, Park Jimin.” The teacher, who happens to be my most favorite teacher before called me.

“Just wanna announce something, ma'am.”

“Go ahead.”

I heavily breathed, trying to let out all of the pain I'm feeling right now but it didn't lessen the pain, the tension in the air just thicken that you can die in suffocation.

“So, someone named Yugyeom punched and kicked Kim Seokjin. You know why he did that? Bull, he's feeling needy and horny.”


“You see, he tried to touch the precious Kim Seokjin. He tried to rape Kim Seokjin.”

“Park Jimin, what is this?” Teacher Song asks, her voice cracking.

Seokjin told me how much that Yugyeom guy, forced himself to Seokjin but Seokjin being Seokjin, we know how innocent that boy is, right? Now, he was feeling disgusted of himself.” A tear escaped from my eyes but I immediately wiped it.

“I didn't do anything like that!” A guy exclaimed.

“So, I'm assuming that you're Yugyeom.” Jimin gave the student a pointed look, smiling at him devilishly that make the student swallow hard.

“I said I didn't do anything like that!” Yugyeom yelled again.

“I don't believe you.” Jimin said in between gritted teeth whilst clenching his fist very tight.

“Yugyeom, Jimin, follow me.”

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