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Third Person's

"I know the school has just started but I want y'all to know that you'll be doing a project already, by pairs."

As the teacher finished announcing, boys and girls started to line up into Seokjin, asking him to be their pair while he'll just shyly smile.

So as Jungkook who seems to not noticed what's happening since their classmates were circling around him.

"Sit down. I already planned the pairings, okay?"

"Aish." All of the students on that room hissed, except Seokjin who's excited to know who is his partner gonna be.

"Ahn Jeia and Bom Ji Young."

"Cha Eun Go and Do Kyung Seo."

The list go on and on until Jungkook's name had been call. Crossing his fingers positively, he was hoping to be Seokjin's partner.

"Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokmin."

Jungkook frowned. All he need as a partner is Kim Seokjin not sounds-alike name of the boy. Geez.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that! It's Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokjin, I mispelled his name. Sorry." The teacher apologized then continued announcing names.

"So, we'll be partners, hmn?" Jungkook smirks, flirtily winking to Seokjin and all the boy could do is to blush.

The class go on. Seokjin is one of the most active student in the room, but still shy. He would raised his hands when he knew the answer, sometimes whispering it to Jungkook so the elder could recite but he would just shrugged it.

Lunch break came and Seokjin ate with Taehyung, while Jungkook was just silently watching them on the not so far table from the two.

"Oi, hyung." Jungkook called Taehyung when he'd decided to eat with them, acting like he don't know Seokjin. "New friend, eh?" He pointed his fingers to Seokjin and Taehyung just nodded. "He's pretty, at the same time, handsome. So adorable." Jungkook turned his head to Seokjin, seeing the younger blush.

"Right, hehe." Is Taehyung could all say.

Lunch break ended, so as the class. Jungkook hurriedly pulled Seokjin's hand then run away till they reach the house quietly.

They were both panting, catching their breathes and sucking on the air harshly. Jungkook pulled Seokjin again to his room, thanking god that no one had notice their appearance, he locked the door.

"Jungkook-hyung. Why did you brought me here?" The younger asks, blinking his eyes innocently.

"We'll discuss about our project, right? Text your parents so they will know." Jungkook said whilst unbuttoning his school polo.

"I should text Yoongi-hyung and Tae-hyung then." Seokjin muttered enough for Jungkook to hear.


"Yoongi-hyung gave me this phone with Tae-hyung and his number on it. They're my family now."

"Huh? Why?"

"I'm homeless, I've no one to go to."

Seokjin started to typed on the gadget slowly. Smiling when he recieved a text from Yoongi and Taehyung, saying 'it's alright. go home when you're finish with it. tell us where to pick you up when you're done.'

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook asks, pulling his slacks down.

Seokjin looked up and saw Jungkook shirtless with just a boxers on. His eyes widened then immediately covered it with his hands.

"Aww, so cute.." Jungkook kneeled infront of Seokjin, still undressed with his boxers only.

He slowly pulled Seokjin's hands away from his eyes, gently pushing the younger into the bed whilst the younger's hands were pinned above his head.

Jungkook smirked. Noticing how the younger blush. He was hovering above Seokjin like when the first time he met him to Yoongi's room.

"Do you want to know what is dick already?" Jungkook huskily asked, his breathe slightly tickling Seokjin's neck.

"Is dick a bad thing? Or a bad word?"

"It's both."

Jungkook started kissing Seokjin's neck, surprising the younger. "H-hyung.. wh-what are y-you doing?" Seokjin's breathing hitched.

Jungkook, on the other hand, stopped himself from doing more. He stood up from the bed immediately, noticing that he's having a boner again.

"Suit yourself. You can change your clothes into this." Jungkook gave Seokjin his favorite sweater and his 3/4 shorts.

"I'll just do something in my bathroom, I'll be back."

Seokjin just nod his head politely, smiling at the elder, unbuttoning his school uniform.

"So dick is a bad thing and a bad word?" Seokjin frowned. He should know what's the meaning of dick, immediately!


a/n; 안녕~ omg. how's this story? why am i writing this? halp me. and how's my english? please bear with my typographical and grammatical errors since it's my first time to write an english story. thx :> I PUBLISHED THIS PART TODAY BECAUSE BIGHIT ALREADY DROPPED SUGA, JIN, AND JUNGKOOK'S SO FAR AWAY! Gosh, im emo. dont touch me jk haha ❤

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