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“Hyung, are you hiding something behind your thicked-wooden door?” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, winking at me teasingly.

“Shut the fuck up, Taehyung. We're eating.” I growled at him then rolled my eyes as if it would bounce away from its sockets lol.

Ahhh, Yoongi-hyung~ I won't tell anyone, I promise.” He winked again.

This kid, really...

“What secret?” Hoseok turned his head to Taehyung and I, brows knotted but still smiling.

“It's nothing. Uhm, can I just eat on my room? I don't feel like eating here.” I nonchalantly asks, looking at them one by one.

They all nodded but Taehyung suddenly appeared at my side. Great. “What do you want?”

“Your secret.” Taehyung smiled, his rectangular signature smile.

I sighed in defeat. Like I would win against him, he was so nosy and noisy. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. Aish.

“Fine. Hold this, I'll be opening my room. Get in fast so I could lock it immediately.” I ordered him and he excitedly nodded his head.

I don't really like this idea, I only want to keep Seokjin for myself. I mean.. don't get me wrong, I just got easily attached to that young boy.

I opened the door quickly and when Taehyung and I got into the room, I quickly locked it. Phew.”

We turned our heads to my bedroom, looking into Seokjin who's looking up into my room's ceiling.

“Wow, so you got a boy.” Ayo gg! “So, is he your son?” Taehyung rose an eyebrow, making my eye roll.

“No, is it possible for me to have a son at the age of 5?!” I asked him, half-annoyed.

“So... he's...” Taehyung started to count onto his mind, I just can tell, don't ask me. “15?” Taehyung whispered, earning a nod from me.

“Hi Yoongi-hyung! Uhm.. who is he?” Seokjin pointed his little finger to Taehyung.

“Aw, so cuteee! I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm 18 years old so you can call me Taehyung-hyung!” Taehyung put the tray on the table beside my bed then jumped onto Seokjin immediately.

“Isn't it weird? Taehyung-hyung? I mean.. there's hyung on your name already..” Seokjin cutely rubbed on the back of his neck, and Taehyung ruffled the younger's hair.

“You're so touchy.” I commented as I sat on the edge of my bed.

“It's okay, hyung.” Seokjin gave me a smile that made my eyes roll again.

Uhm, you can call me Tae-hyung.” Taehyung cheekily smiled, making Seokjin nod excitedly.

This is really indeed a bad idea. I said I only want Seokjin for myself. Now that Taehyung know and knows about him, Seokjin's attention would be stolen away from me.

“Eat now, idiot. So you can drink your meds after.. Taehyung and I would be talking outside about something, I'll be back immediately.”

I pulled Taehyung's hand until we reached the now emptied kitchen. “Talk about what, hyung?” Taehyung innocently asks.

“Start being nosy, I'll answer every questions you had in your mind.”

“Okay then, so why is there a little kid inside your room with a fever?” Taehyung started.

I started answering every questions he was throwing on me. Clearing everything that's going on in his mind.

“Promise me that you'll keep this as an secret until they find out theirselves.”


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