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I tried to figure out my feelings.. I tried to know who do I really love. I tried to.. but I can't feel anything. The sparks, the blushes, the butterflies.. I can't feel it all anymore.

Have I gone numb? or dumb? What should I do now?

I kissed Hoseok-hyung, but I felt nothing. I also kissed Jimin-hyung and I also felt nothing.. Tae-hyung hugged me last night and my heart skips a beat for some seconds..

I don't know how and why.. but Namjoon-hyung made me feel hot whenever he's around even though he's not doing anything. I'm going crazy, help me.

Jungkook-hyung.. I don't know- I don't feel anything?

And Yoongi-hyung, the first hyung I've met. The first ever hyung who taught me things that I didn't knew (even though it's kinda inappropriate and wrong) I still appreaciate it. The first hyung who told me that I'm beautiful.. the first hyung who appreciates my existence the most..

He made me feel that I'm a blessing to his life, well, everyone made me feel that but I can tell that Yoongi-hyung wants me the most. I don't know if he loves me but I know he don't hate me.

They cried. They all cried because of my changes before.. And now I wanna know who do I really love. I love them all but I'm talking about LOVE-- as in love. Not platonically.

HYUNGS!!!” I yelled, jumping to where they're sitting while watching a movie.

Hoseok-hyung stroked my hair while smiling, “What is it, Jinnie?”

“I wanna talk to Jimin-hyung tomorrow, then Hoseok-hyung the next day, then Tae-hyung after Hoseok-hyung, then Namjoon-hyung the next day, then Jungkook-hyung on my exact birthday, and Yoongi-hyung after my birthday.”

“What is it for? Jungkook on your birthday? Why only him?” Jimin-hyung pouted that made me squish his fluffy cheeks.

“It's a secret, hyung!” I said, still pinching his cute and now blushing cheeks. “You look like a baby, hyung.”

“Thank god, I thought you'll say ‘dick’. I almost got an heart attack.” He brought his hands on his chest while breathing fast. I just laughed at hyung's cuteness.

“Why don't you tell me now?” I turned my back to see Jungkook-hyung standing behind us with an apple on his hands. “And why is Yoongi-hyung the last?” He asked with his brows furrow but then.. he smirked. “Hmmn.. I think I knew it.” He hummed, he's still smirking but his voice sounds sad or maybe, it's just me.

What do he mean, he knew it?

Jinnie.” Namjoon-hyung called me so I look at him while smiling. “Sing me to sleep later, will you?”

“I'm very willing to do it, hyung.” I answered right away, earning an ear to ear smile from Namjoon-hyung with his dimples showing.

Please guide me with my decisions.. my heart can't decide.


a/n; okei, i don't know if i should post this or edit it, but here it go.. im going to warn you that im bad at writing endings so wait for an cliché or something that isn't good enough.. also, i dedicate this chapter to my friend Cuze_Anya17. go read her stories! :'>

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