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“Hyung, wake up!” A voice shouted that made the sleeping guy woke up.

“Yoongi?” Seokjin asks, rubbing his eyes with his fist gently so his vision wouldn't be blur anymore.

“Why? Missed me?” Yoongi asked back, smirking at his hyung.

“So cocky.. but, I am your hyung?” Seokjin curiously asked, his brows knotted.

“Okay, hyung. You're acting weird.” The now brown-haired Yoongi said, crossing his arms.

“What do you mean? But hey, is Jungkook and I dating?” Seokjin questioned again. “You should be angry with me, right?”

“Okay, Seokjin. I feel so betrayed and why would I be angry with you?”

“What? Why? I picked Jungkook over you.”

“Now you have an amnesia after you sleep? HYUNG! Excuse me but WE ARE FUCKING DATING.” Yoongi shouted.

Seokjin finally gets it all. Oh my god, thank god. It was all a dream! “Right! I'm sorry that I chose Jungkook over you during my dream.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes, “It's just a dream. You're mine in reality.”

“Yoongi-hyung!” Seokjin exclaimed, blush creeping to his face.

“I like it when you call me that.” Yoongi gave Seokjin a meaningful smirk.

“Hey, I'm older! I didn't mean to call you that!” Seokjin yelled. “And you know what? In my dreams? You taught me that if you call someone a dick, it means you're cute?” Seokjin said, reminiscing the dream he just had.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, “I told you that?”

“Yes, in my dream. Now, give me my morning kiss.” He demanded.

“Ew, brush your teeth first, hyung. I love you.” And with that, Yoongi walked out of their shared room.

Seokjin smile, he can't believe that he became the maknae during his sleep and why does it feels so true? It seems to be so true..

He examined the room where he's lying. It's like the same room in his dream.. but different feelings.



Maybe that's why Yoongi was so confident in his dream. Maybe that's why Yoongi discovered him first in his dream.. he's his true lover.



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