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Third Person's

Jungkook and the others are still thinking and wondering.. how.. how Seokjin turned out to be like this?


One week before Jungkook's 19th birthday and Seokjin bought a gift for him. The younger worked hard for him to earn money to buy a decent and a good presentable gift for his Jungkook-hyung.

The younger was so happy that time, he's bouncing up and down because of excitement. Just thinking what will be Jungkook's reaction about his gift made him giggle cutely.

Seokjin wasn't really allowed to work at his very young age but he pleaded the owner, Mr. Do Kyung Soo.. so he was hired because he said he really needs money to buy his hyung a special gift.

Ofcourse, the owner thinks that Seokjin is very dedicated and cute so he gave the younger some tips and good salary so that he can save enough money faster than he intended.

Seokjin bought a guitar– the one with the famous brand –and he's hoping that his Jungkook-hyung wouldn't ignore him anymore because he would give the guitar as an piece offering and as a gift also.

Jungkook would love that, Jinnie.” Hoseok cheered and the younger just nod with a giggle escaping from his plump lips.

“Really, hyung?” He asked, earning a nod from Hoseok and all Jin had felt that time was the heat creeping to his cheeks and ears, making it red.

But Jin didn't get the reaction he wants, the attention from his hyung that he wants..

“You call this as a gift?!” Jungkook shouted at the top of his lungs, and Seokjin started trembling. “Seriously?! What do you think should I do with this trash?!” He spat then throw the brand-new guitar on the floor, breaking it.

The before well-wrapped and expensive-looking guitar was now a trash and Seokjin felt that he's not worth it.. it's not worth it. It's like Jungkook throw the younger's hardworks. It's like... he throw Seokjin away from him.

H-hyung.. I-I'm sorry but I-I really wo-worked-hard f-for that and--” The sobbing Seokjin didn't get the chance to finish his words.

“Did I commanded and obliged you to buy me one?! I didn't told anyone that I'd like to received a gift! Especially if it's from you! You wasted my time. Everyone's time!” Jungkook pushed the trembling Seokjin.

JUNGKOOK!!” Everyone shouted but Jungkook just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“I never thought that my birthday could be this worst.. and it's all your fault Seokjin.” Jungkook said before running out of the room while clutching on his shirt very tightly.

But everyone knows it very well, he didn't mean to do and say that. Everything he did and said to Seokjin on that day, was a big big lie.


“Happy birthday, hyung.” Seokjin faked a smile, and Namjoon just hugged him really tight. “I thought you'll reject my greetings, hyung.” He half-joked. “Sorry, I didn't have any gift for you. I'm sorry, hyung.” Seokjin started crying and the older started panicking that time..

“Are you going to ruin Namjoon-hyung's birthday too?” Jungkook angrily said out of nowhere then climbs to his room.

Seokjin felt really devastated that time so he didn't eat and locked up his self on his room while crying his heart out, then he passed out.


Seokjin didn't greet Jimin verbally but he gave his hyung a card full of paper hearts and Jimin felt his heart flutter like his day was perfectly made because of Seokjin's small efforts.

He thanked Seokjin with a kiss on his cheeks and the younger just giggled. But after that, Seokjin didn't dare to open his mouth because he's afraid..

He's afraid to ruin Jimin's day.


He's finally 17 but he don't really feel so happy. Maybe being too happy could make everything worst, because when he's happy.. he might ruin someone or everybody's day.

“Happy birthday, Jinnie!” Everyone greeted but Jungkook and Namjoon isn't there that day.

He knew why his Namjoon-hyung isn't there but Jungkook? No. ‘Maybe.. maybe he hates me that much. Too much that he doesn't want to see me anymore.’ He thought.

But little did he know, Jungkook's the one who put that one and only gift inside his room the next morning he woke up.


“A gift for you, hyung!” Seokjin happily gave Taehyung an small red box.

Seokjin thought that Taehyung's the one who gave the gift he found beside him on his birthday so he's returning the favor.

“What's that? A dead rat?” Jungkook pointed on the small red box that Seokjin gave to Taehyung.

And that day, the younger couldn't stop frowning and..

Seokjin started changing.


a/n; pt.1 of the explanation! sorry for any typographical and grammatical errors, ill fix it very soon. xoxo thx everyone! ❤ i love all of your comments abt seokjin so i updated this one.

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