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I sighed as I laid my body on my warm and soft bed, letting it to engulf me with so much comfort and the calming scent it has.

“So, I need to stay away from Seokjin, huh?” I mumbled to myself then let out a sigh, trying to let out all the pain in my heart too.

Believe it or not but I developed some strange feelings for Seokjin, rather quickly. But now, I think it's the best for me to stay away from him since it's Yoongi-hyung's command.

“How can I survive if I'm not even allowed to touch him?” Tears started to spill from my eyes, wetting my pillow.

So, I think, I lose my chance to Seokjin? Wow, I was the very first person to lose it. Now I'm out of the game... the game they called ‘love’

But let me tell you our secret. Yes, OUR- that means, everyone here inside this house. Yoongi-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, Jimin-hyung, Taehyung, and Me. Except Seokjin.

Let's just say that every single ‘hyung’ Seokjin have- got a crush on him but mine was deeper and Yoongi-hyung's too.

We've talk about this before, spilling secrets, talking about Seokjin, talking how Seokjin is so cute and innocent, complimenting Seokjin, and revealing how we see Seokjin.

I can still remember what is their exact words while spilling confessions for Seokjin without him knowing;

“The first time I laid my eyes on him, I knew it, I knew he's the one.” Jimin-hyung dreamily sighed after that.

Too sappy, right? But he told us that with so much emotions that you could tell how serious he was on every line he stated. He said he's inlove-- but I think, it's just a normal crush.

“Y'all know how straight I was right?” Namjoon-hyung seriously asked and we just nodded our heads that time. “Well now, I can say that I am gay for that kid.” He squealed like a girl that make our jaw dropped that time.

Damn, Namjoon-hyung is straight but because of Seokjin.. he declared that he's gay.

We didn't believe him at first but when we saw how his eye smiled and how his dimple showed, we knew it, we knew he's telling the truth.

“I'm not sure about my feelings for Seokjin yet but I always have a crush on him.” Hoseok-hyung shyly admitted while nervously tapping his fingers on the table.

We just smiled at him then tapped his back too, saying; Atleast you're not yet part of the ‘Inlove-with-Seokjin squad.” Then everyone laughed after that.

When everyone calmed, I started to talk; “I don't know but I love every inch of him. His soft hair, his cute nose, his plump lips, his charming and innocent eyes, his neck, his scent, his body, I would lovingly fck his ass--”

“Jeon Jungkook!!!” Everyone yelled

“I was joking okay? I would be straightforward, I will definitely beat you all and win Seokjin's heart. Not that I'm boasting but I think I'm the most charming guy in this house.” I chuckled as I finish my sentence and everyone just rolled their eyes on me.

“I think, I'm inlove with Seokjin too. Because everything he do just looked beautiful in my eyes cause he's downright beautiful.” Taehyung didn't waste any time but he just get straight to the point.

He's always shy of confessing and telling his feelings but he did it that we were so shocked. He was downright serious too that night.

Seokjin is mine.” is all Yoongi-hyung had uttered that time.

Remembering that makes me want to fight for Seokjin. Maybe, maybe I can touch him on the bathroom, maybe we can play behind the storage room, maybe I will not stay away from Seokjin. Maybe.. maybe my feelings' too strong that it made me to be this kind of person.

So I opened my room and smiled-- but my smile turned into frown as I saw Seokjin--

Being kissed by Namjoon-hyung.


a/n; seriously, i have writer's block that i didn't know if this chapter is good enough. sorry for any typographical and grammatical errors! xoxo comment your thoughts! i love reading them.

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