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Third Person's

“Oh my god! I'm so happy!” Hoseok yelled after he heard the news.

He immediately hugged Seokjin tightly while the younger's just giggling along with him. They look cute.

Taehyung and Yoongi finally announced that Seokjin is actually living in their house and they're happy to see Seokjin happy but sad too that they had to share Seokjin to the other members now.

Seokjin isn't a toy. But Yoongi wants to be selfish that he only like Seokjin for himself. Taehyung too, and Jungkook? Who knows.

Jinnie can sleep into my room too!” Namjoon tried to suppress an aegyo and luckily, Seokjin find that cute.

“I would love to, hyung.” Seokjin replied, nodding his head in excitement.

Jinnie's so adorable~” Jimin cooed.

All of them throws death glare to Jimin. Here he come's with his innocent flirting, complimenting the victim until he falls for him.. but that won't happen. Not now, atleast.

“Ah, hyung! I know what's a dick already!” Seokjin happily informs Yoongi and Taehyung, making the two gulped.

Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, was giving them death glares now, too. Like why are they teaching this innocent young boy some inappropriate words?

“What's a dick?” Taehyung asks.

Seokjin clapped his hands three times, “It's our male reproductive system!”

“Wow, Jinnie's really good in science.” Jungkook said, faking his excitement.

“How about sex then?” Namjoon suddenly asks, out of the blue, making everyone quiet.

“Isn't it the other term for gender?”

“Ah, so you don't know. Hehe, right.”

“It's the most beautiful thing to do, Seokjin.” Jungkook said, smirking at the young boy.

“Really? Can we do it, hyung?” Seokjin innocently exclaimed while his eyes grew wide from the excitement.

“I'm so gonna faint, everyone, catch me.” Hoseok dramatically said but no one did what he asks so his butt landed to the floor, feeling slightly hurt. So he just frowned.

“We can do it some other time, maybe. Or when you grow up. Alright?” Jungkook said, nodding his head while teasingly smiling.

Taehyung and Jimin choked. They didn't know why, they maybe choked because of their salivas. “Oh my god, Jeon Jungkook. I swear to god.” Yoongi irritatedly blurted out, hissing harshly.

“We have classes today, right?” Seokjin said, reminding his hyungs that are now rushing into their rooms to take a shower.

“I love how innocent you are.” Namjoon gave Seokjin his flirty wink then go to his own room to take a shower cause he's gonna be late on his work too.

Jinnie, take care of yourself, alright?” Hoseok kissed him goodbye then wave his hand.

“You let Hoseok to kiss you?” A raspy voice spoke.

Seokjin turned to his back and saw Yoongi who's licking his lower lip whilst glaring to him.

Seokjin gulped, “But h-hyung.. it's just my cheeks that he kissed.” He pointed his cheek.

“Why don't you kiss your Yoongi-hyung too?” Yoongi seductively bit his lower lip.

“Cheeks also?” The blushing boy asks.

But Yoongi shook his head then he pointed his fingers to his Lips.”

“Why?” The younger curiously asked, scratching his scalp curiously.

“Why not?”

Yoongi draw his face nearer into Seokjin's, while the boy just waited for the elder to collide their lips but he felt nothing but Yoongi's hot breathe.

“Bring your bag, let's just wait for the others outside, I'll be giving all of you a ride.” The smirking Yoongi puts his hand in his pocket cooly then walks away from the dumbfounded Seokjin.

“Hey, baby. Come on.” Jimin whispers to his ear, slightly licking the younger's earlobe, making him flinched. “Did I startled you? Sorry, Jinnie.”

“It's okay, hyung.”

Namjoon saw that and smirked, creating a plan inside of his mind.


a/n; omg hi. thx for all the reads even though this isn't that good to read. 550+ reads, really? thxxx! i know that's not much but for me, it is! please comment. i love reading all of it! sorry for any typographical and grammatical error. xoxo

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