Chapter 1:The Beginning

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I woke up to my alarm going off rubbing the crust from my eyes as I reached for my phone turning the alarm off it was my first day of school my senior year, to be honest I was more then nervous.

Let me tell y'all about myself, my name is Karin Jinsui I'm seventeen years old I live in Compton and I live with my mom it's sad to say this but she is a an abusive crack addict but I'm only here because I want to try to help her.

My mom name is Angela and she's been like this for two years when my dad left for his drug business ever since she's been letting men walk up in the house and do whatever to me, and I only pray she gets better.

And I do everything around this house with the help of my dad he always send me a huge check every month so I could pay bills for the house and take care of myself.

Anyways, I got out the bed going to the bathroom I undressed out of my clothes getting in the shower after I did all my hygiene I put on my outfit which was a Gray, White, and Orange skirt and shirt I grabbed my wig brush and started brushing my hair.

My phone started buzzing in my hand I looked down seeing it was my dad trying to Facetime I grabbed my purse and book bag walking out my room shutting my door looking at the clock I had twenty minutes to get to school.

I answered my Facetime call seeing my dad mugging me I giggled a little.

"That ain't no way to look at your daughter on her first day of school."I heard him suck his teeth.

I looked at my mama on the couch sleep with a man on top of her I sighed grabbing a Poptart from the cabinet walking out the house making sure I locked the door.

"What took you so long to accept the call?"He asked me.

"Daddy I'm in a rush I only have about fifteen minutes left to get to school."I unlocked my car door getting in.

I put my phone in the opposite corner of the car so my dad could see me throwing my book bag to the side I started driving.

"I just wanted to talk to my baby girl when she's on her way to school."He smiled at me

"I know but..I'm really nervous every time I'm somewhere new I get so many different vibes causing people to look at me weirdly."I sighed.

"Maybe because your actually pretty then them broads and they ain't gonna have shit on you and ain't yo friend Jazmine and yo boyfriend Willie going to be there?"I stopped at a red light looking at him.

"Yes."I nodded.

"So it ain't nothing to worry about."He smiled making me smile.

"Ight princess I'm finna bounce."He waved.

"Bye Daddy."We did our little peace sign.

"Have a good day."

"You too."I ended the call

A couple of minutes later I was at the school I parked my car grabbing my book bag and my phone getting out the car and locking the doors.

I walked towards the office going to get my schedule when I seen a group of boys staring at me I rolled my eyes at them walking past them.

I walked into the office seeing a middle-aged women at the desk.

"Hello sweetie, what's your name?."She asked nicely.

"Karin Jinsui."I told her she nodded and started printing my schedule.

"Thanks."I did a little smile walking out the office.

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