Chapter 4:Understand Me

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I woke up in the bed adjusting my head on one of the pillows looking out the window as I began to yawn.

"Where the hell is my phone?."I asked myself moving my legs around the bed to see if I felt it.

I sighed throwing the covers of off me standing up to my feet, I began walking out the room going into the living room still seeing Dashawn sleep on the couch snoring.

I approached the door twisting the door knob realisng it was locked I sighed.

"Turn yo ass around."I heard Dashawn tired voice, I turned around slowly seeing him holding a gun pointed towards me.

He tilted his head dropping his arm making me calm my breathing.

"What the hell Dashawn."I mugged him rolling my eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry I was tripping I thought you was somebody else."He rubbed his eyes yawning.

"I thought you was somebody else."I mocked him.

"Why the hell did you even have a gun?."I asked walking away from the door sitting by him on the couch.

"I gotta protect myself."He shrugged sitting up.

"You can do that without a gun."I spoke looking at him as he held his head low sighing.

"No the fuck I can't."His voice got stern as he lifted his head.

"You a drug dealer?."I asked he nodded licking his lips I stared at him as he looked away from me.

I grabbed his face making him look at me I watched as his eyes maneuvered around my body.

"Look at my face Dashawn."I told him sighing.

"Yeah I am."I began to feel so much disappointment.

"Take me home."I took my hand from his face.

"What?."His head jerked back as he looked at me confused.

"I don't think I was speaking Spanish take me home."I spoke getting up.

"You really want me to take you home because of something I told you."He stood up looking down at me.

"Yes."I stepped back.

"You females really ain't shit."I mugged him walking away.

"Oh so I ain't shit because I don't want to talk to a nigga that can get me killed."I folded my arms and stopped walking.

"Why you gotta judge a nigga?."He asked looking at me frustrated.

"I ain't judging you my nigga."I watched as he sighed running his hand down his face.

"If you was fucking mine you wouldn't have to worry about your ass dying because I'm going to always make sure mines straight."He raised his voice pointing at me.

"Yeah whatever."I sat on his kitchen counter kicking my feet.

I looked as Dashawn walked my way he put both of his hands on the counter staring at me.

"You know your ass ain't going no where right?."He asked me.

"Yeah."He laughed nodding.

"I'm glad you know."He smiled at me.

He began rubbing my sides looking at my thighs.

"My girl thicker than a pound cake."He joked.

"Yes I am."I jumped down from the counter and began twerking.

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