Chapter 18: Hold Me...Please

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I was getting in the car to go home; I was just coming from the store I had to do some grocery shopping. After putting all the food in the car I got into the car and began to go home.

Every since the incident from three weeks ago things haven't been the same at home...With anybody; Especially since I lost the baby...Yes I was pregnant. Dasia is not her goofy self no more and Dashawn has been pushing hisself away from me and he's been acting weird lately. I would try to be more positive and get things back to the things were but I don't see that happening soon.

I got home and opened the front door. I went back to the car and got some bags and brought them in the house. Noticing Dashawn was sleep on the couch I didn't want to bother him so I continued getting the groceries and putting them in the kitchen and when I was done I made sure to lock the car doors and front door.

I sighed and walked over to Dashawn crawling on him and sitting on his lap. I looked at his face noticing dried up blood coming from his nose and white powdered stuff under his nose. I took a deep breathe throwing my head back and looking back at him.

"Dashawn."I called out not getting a response.

I got up from his lap looking at the table seeing the cocaine. I became mad to the point where I started crying. I went into the kitchen grabbing a cup filling the cup up with water and walked back over to Dashawn.

I threw the water on him and then the cup afterwards watching him blink open his eyes.

"Get the fuck up."I spoke watching him wipe his face off.

"Man, What is you doing?." He immediately got mad standing up.

"What the fuck are you doing."I looked at him then grabbed the drug and threw it at him.

"Karin you really about to piss me the fuck off you better get the fuck out my face before I hurt you."I looked into his eyes seeing he meant every word, I still stood there with my arms folded.

"If you think you about sit here and do drugs around me or your sister you stupid as fuck... I sat here and watched my mom do the same shit and now I don't know if she dead or alive and you know that shit hurts... But I will not sit here and watch you do this stupid shit you either quit this shit or you getting the fuck out my house."I looked him dead in his eyes pushing him out my way.

"Bitch don't fucking touch me."He pushed me back feeling my back hit the wall I felt pain I got up walking back towards him I swung my arm back slapping him in his face.

I watched as he nodded his head looking behind him before I could see him do anything else I felt him punch me in the face. I backed away from him holding my face in pain. I felt tears run down my face. I walked away from him feeling his arms wrap around my waist.

"Stop, I'm sorry."I stood there shaking my head taking his hands off of me.

"You can't just do that Dashawn...Where's the rest of the cocaine?."I turned around looking at him. He sighed wiping my tears.

"That was the last of it."He spoke sadly I nodded.

"I think I need a break."I spoke looking towards the kitchen.

Watching him drop to his knees and hold on to my waist in tears. "Baby what no please." His head landed on my stomach.

"I want you to start acting your normal self this isn't you... At all Dashawn you just let me down. Fix yourself Dashawn; Now get up." I watched him get up and wipe his tears.

"I'm scared."He looked at me and said I frowned.

"Why?."I asked watching him take a deep breathe.

"Karin I killed him."My heart dropped to the tip of my toes.

"Who Dashawn?."I asked backing away from him.

"Antonio...I-I chopped his body up and threw him into the river...that's what me and your dad did."He began crying hard.

I stood there in shock. I had a killer in my house and the killer was my boyfriend. I was definitely scared but he risked everything for me not to be worried about my childhood molester.

I walked up towards him and gave him a hug; Rocking him back and forth I felt his tears run down my back.

"Everything is going to be okay Dashawn...I'm still here."I picked up his head looking at him and giving him a kiss.

"Can you hold me please?."I began to cry nodding my head.

"Of course baby. Let's go upstairs."I grabbed his hand walking up the steps.

He got into the bed and I got in after him I wrapped my arms around him. I felt as both of us get calm by this. Despise him putting his hands on me and taking drugs I love him and I'm not ready to break up with him.

"You haven't let me touch you in three weeks Karin; That hurt me so bad... I felt as though I fucked up, I felt alone, like I was a burden, it was my fault we lost the baby Karin."He spoke lowly I felt my throat get dry.

"I'm sorry."I continued to hold onto him.

"I know we still in school in all that but I want to try again."

"I don't know Dashawn let's just wait until we graduate.. only two more months."I mumbled.

"I want to fuck the shit out of you... I haven't been inside of you for almost a month."He spoke.

"Come on then."I laid on my back.

Much later me and Dashawn cleaned up and I was making dinner which was spaghetti, corn, and garlic bread.

"Personally I think that your ugly just my opinion."Dasia laughed as she spoke to Dashawn.

"Girl hush all that up."He rolled his eyes.

"You need help like some plastic surgery."She trolled.

"You too ugly."He spoke as I made the plates.

"Here y'all go."I handed them there plates.

I made my plate and sat down by Dashawn and began eating,

"Karin oh my gosh why don't you cook often? This bout good as f-."She cut herself off as Dashawn stared her down.

"Because I'm lazy and I don't really like cooking."I shrugged eating my food.

"Damn my girl know how to throw down in the kitchen."He recorded us then put it on his instagram story.

"It's good?."I asked.

"Hell yeah."Dashawn and Dasia said that at the same time making me laugh.

"Need a damn restaurant with your name on it."Dashawn smiled at me.

"What happened to your face?."Dasia asked.

"Me and your dumbass brother was play fighting and he hit me too hard."I shrugged as she nodded and continued to eat her food.

After everyone was done with eating I cleaned up as Dashawn waited for me.

There was a knock on the door. So I stopped cleaning and looked through the peep hole seeing two police officers making my heart drop.

"Who is it?."Dashawn asked I mouthed 'Police' and saw as his whole mood changed as he told me to open it, I knew they was coming for Dashawn sadly.

"Hello?."I looked at them both.

"Hello ma'am, we are looking for Dashawn Creal...Is he here?."I was about to say no but Dashawn stopped me.

"Yeah that's me."He looked at them.

"Sir you are arrested for......."

Enjoy😘 Read New Book The Better Things.

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