Chapter 15: Please Me

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I opened my eyes slowly rolling them to the back of my head feeling a painful headache.

"Oh your awoke." I heard a voice I looked in the direction I heard the voice from seeing my dad.

"What happened?."I asked staring at him.

"You don't remember? Anything?."He walked towards me sitting down on the bed.

"The last thing I remember is Dashawn and Antonio fighting."I said remembering that Antonio mentioned working with my dad.

"Why were they fighting? They don't know each other."He spoke shaking his head in shame.

"You wasn't around when I was younger... He molested me many times and mom let him, he abused me when I wouldn't do things he wanted and he forced drugs on me."I spoke lowly looking as he screwed his face up and stand up.

"Damn what the fuck."He mumbled rubbing his hands down his face.

"It's okay you didn't know dad but where's Dashawn?."I asked looking as he still rubbed his face.

"He's jail but I can bail him out."He shrugged.

"Oh okay."I got up from the bed waiting for my dad.

"You in love huh? Just rushing the fuck out of me."He joked.

"I mean yeah but I wasn't trying to rush I just miss my da- my boyfriend." I fixed my words before he could even look at me some type of way.

"Ight Come on, you think we should leave Dasia?."He asked I shrugged nodding.

"Yea she'll be okay here."I spoke following him out of me and Dashawn's bedroom.

We went to his car and got inside and headed to the jail Dashawn was located at.

Hours later of me sitting in the car waiting for my father and my baby to come out I became bored listening to music on the aux cord hearing my phone suddenly go off.

Wya bae imy😊~Dasia

I laughed immediately responding back.

I felt my door open almost making me fall out the car, hearing Dashawn laugh I looked up as he helped me back in the seat.

"That ain't funny baby."I looked at him as he just smirked at me and leaned up to kiss me and I kissed him back.

My dad got in the front and Dashawn sat in the back.

"So what y'all plan on doing today?."My dad asked.

"Just chilling today...right?."I asked looking back at Dashawn.

"Yeah."He shrugged looking out the window.

"Ight, I'll drop yall off at home I got something to handle."My dad spoke.

Instantly I began to wonder what could he possibly go handle...Maybe Antonio, maybe something work related, I just didn't know but I wasn't going to ask either so I kept quiet waiting to arrive at the house.

Once my dad dropped us off at the house he left like he said he was going to. I was walking around the kitchen feeling the urge to drink the left over Ciroc that was in the refrigerator.

I went over to the cabinet and grabbed a red plastic cup pouring the rest of the bottle into my cup. I went to me and Dashawn bedroom and sat on the bed as he watched the television.

"What you drinking baby?."He asked giving me his attention all of a sudden I burped.

"I was drinking the rest o-."He sighed looking at me.

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