Chapter 28: Unknown Number

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Unknown number: This is Dashawn. Text me when you get a chance baby.

I sighed putting my phone back in my pants pocket. I don't know what's been going on recently with Dashawn but he's been texting me expecting to get a call or text back but me and Clarence have been doing great and I didn't want nothing to ruin that.

"You okay?."Clarence asked me I nodded continuing to watch Cops.

"Well I'm about to hop in the shower."He spoke I watched as he grabbed his towel and walked into bathroom shutting the door.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket texting Dashawn back.

Me: wat u want?

Seconds later he began trying to FaceTime me I rolled my eyes getting up from the bed and going to the living room; I answered.

I stared at him for a while he looked so different. Tired looking and worn out.

"Karin baby I-." I interrupted him.

"Cut all the extra shit Dashawn, What you want?." I asked feeling my cheeks get hot. Was I blushing?

"I just want one more chance, I'm sorr-." I hung up when I heard footsteps looking back I saw Dasia.

"Was that my brother?."She whispered, I nodded.

"You know he really misses you he called my phone last night crying telling me how much he miss you."She also whispered coming closer.

"Me and Clarence are happy I can't just keep going back and forth Dasia." I sighed folding my arms.

"I know I was just saying Karin that's for you to make that decision."She walked pass going to the refrigerator.

I really didn't know what to do. I love Clarence he has done everything for me over these past couple of months but me and Dashawn been through more things but he keeps hurting me and I don't want to go back to him making the wrong choice.

"Well I'm here for you, I don't care what decision you make just be happy." I nodded.

"It's almost five we got to get ready for Jazmine party." I spoke heading back to the room. I went into the closet pulling out a slim tight red dress and laying it to the side of the bed.

I don't know who Jazmine invited and I also didn't care. I just wanted to have some fun because I haven't been out the house lately. The bathroom door opened interrupting my thoughts I looked towards Clarence then looked back down.

I honestly didn't know what to do.

"What you thinking about?." Clarence asked unwrapping his towel.

"Nothing... Just can't wait to get out the house."I spoke undressing out of my clothes to slid on the dress. I turned towards Clarence to zip it and he did.

"You look great babe."Clarence complimented me.

"Thanks, you look good too."I smirked as he chuckled.

A hour later...

I held on to Clarence as we walked pass the big group of people dancing. I was becoming uncomfortable and annoyed; it was too many people in this house. Clarence pulled me into the empty bathroom and closed the door.

"You okay?." Clarence asked as I put the toilet seat down and sat down.

"Yeah, I'm just a little hot it's a bit crowded out there."I spoke as he agreed.

We sat there for a couple of minutes before going back out to the party. I texted Dasia to see where she was which was the kitchen so me and Clarence made our way to the kitchen. Once we finally got to the kitchen my eyes got big and my heart began to pound.

Dashawn and Dasia looked like they we're having a very serious conversation. Dashawn suddenly gave me an intense stare allowing Dasia to turn towards me.

"What the fuck is he looking at?."Clarence uttered I quickly shut him up.

"Karin B-Baby I-."I held my hand up.

"Don't you see I'm with my nigga I don't want to hear none of the shit you saying."I spoke.

"Karin just let a nigga talk." He began to walk closely than Clarence stopped him. Dashawn looked down at my stomach with tears in his eyes.

"Your pregnant?!."He raised his voice causing some others to look at us.

"Yeah, nigga with my baby."Clarence tried walking in front of me.

To be honest I didn't know who my baby father was because me and Clarence was messing around when me and Dashawn last had sex but I kept quiet.

"Please, let's not do this now." I felt a little pain in my stomach. Dasia grabbed my hand pulling me towards her I held on to my stomach.

"What you mean with yo baby nigga?."Dashawn walked a little closer to Clarence.

I could see the anger in both of their faces having me become a little scared.

"Y'all please; Clarence let's go home." I grabbed his and Dasia arm moving past all the people.

We made it outside we all got into the car and began to go home. The car was filled with a complete silence. I didn't have nothing to say besides the fact that why would Jazmine invite Dashawn to the party.

Once we got home I went to the room to undress I was tired and just wanted to sleep the rest of the night away. Clarence soon walked in slamming the door making me jump.

"What's wrong with you?." I asked pulling the covers over me as I watched him walk back and forth undressing.

"You knew that fuck nigga was there or something?." He questioned.

"What? No I did not I didn't even know he was going to be there it wasn't my party Clarence."I spoke in disbelief.

"Mhm."He mumbled.

"What the fuck you mean mhm? You don't fucking trust me."I got up from the bed. I began to get angry.

"No the fuck I don't! You was all in that nigga face smiling and shit like you was ready to take him back."He paced rubbing in his face.

"Are you serious right now? I was smiling?." I questioned grabbing his arm. He snatched it away from me fiercely.

"Don't fucking touch me... I saw the way you was looking at him."He spoke grabbing the car keys.

"Where the fuck you going?." I asked as I kept my arms folded.

"I'll be back when you get some damn common sense; I can't deal with you right now." I didn't chase him I calmly watched him leave; I didn't feel Like doing this with him.

My phone went off in my purse I grabbed it looking at the message that was on my lock screen.

Unknown number
I'm sorry Karin😢😣 can we please meet up and have a conversation about this?

My eyes began to water all I had in my heart was pain right now and I needed some relief I sighed putting my phone down. I got up to turn the light off and I soon fell asleep.

~I did not proof read.

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