Chapter 24: I'm Sorry

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I unwrapped myself from the towel putting on a T shirt and some of Clarence boxers he gave me to wear. I was getting ready to go back to my house and see what was going on with it. I heard the door crack open making me look up.

"Breakfast ready."Clarence smiled at me.

"I'll be in the kitchen in a couple of seconds." I told him as he nodded; he shut the door and I turned towards the mirror to look at myself.

"I can't do this to Dashawn." I mumbled to myself I took a deep breathe and walked out the bathroom.

I was going crazy. I didn't know what to do... Especially if I saw Dashawn I don't want him to think I just disappeared on him.

I walked out of Clarence room and headed to the kitchen there I saw bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes, and some fruit.

"Oh yeah I'm about to grub."I happily sat down as everybody stared at me.

"What y'all looking at?."I grabbed my fork and began to eat my eggs.

"Grown ass."Jazmine mumbled.

"Freak ass." Ariana mumbled after.

"Nasty ass."Dasia shook her head.

"Yo big hungry ass." Clarence shook his head.

"Oh my gosh why y'all coming for me like this?." I laughed continuing to eat.

"Y'all both nasty." Dasia looked at me and Clarence I disgust as she pointed at us.

"Shit oh well."Clarence turned to the stove flipping a pancake.

Once I was done I threw my plastic plate in the garbage and grabbed some orange juice pouring it into a cup and drinking it all.

"You ready?."Clarence asked me I nodded.

Dasia was coming with me too and I was going to see if my house was even in good shape for Jazmine and Ariana to stay with me. I mean the last time I saw this house was five years ago.

We got into the car and I gave Clarence directions how to get there. Once we finally made it to the house it seemed to look the exact same. I told Clarence and Dasia to stay in the car as I made my way out.

I first tried opening the door and it was actually unlocked which surprised. I pushed it open taking a deep breath. I closed the door back. I looked at everything. Everything was in the exact same spot since the last time I saw this house.

I noticed somebody sitting on the couch making my heart fall out my ass. I picked up the nearest thing which was a broom and slowly walked up on the person. I dropped the broom and began to shed tears seeing the person turn around.

"O-Oh my gosh Dashawn." I wiped my face as he stood there with a some what happy but depressed face. He looked so different.

"Don't do that please."He spook quietly. His voice sounded much different. Everything about him was different.

I began to walk up to him but as soon as I got to close he gently pushed me back.

"I'm sorry Dashawn I-I."He cut me off.

"Karin I honestly don't want to hear shit you have to say." He mumbled.

"But."He cut me off once again. I began to get annoyed.

"You left me in that damn cell. I ain't get no call, no letters, no pictures, no money to put on the phone; I ain't get shit from you!."He yelled pointing his finger in my face. My tears began to come back.

"B-Baby can I explain please?."I looked up at him wiping my tears as I held my hands together.

"Go ahead."He stepped back away from me.

"I-I was pregnant and you just got locked up so... Jazmine took me out to get my mind off things, so I did and somebody had kidnapped us and we were took to a whore house; the boss made us fuck random people. My friend just helped me escape yesterday. Dashawn you know I would never do that to you." I ended my sentence. I watched as he rubbed over his temples.

"Who is your friend Karin?." He looked at me.

"Clarence, he's outside with Dasia right now."I spoke grabbing his hand; he snatched it away from me.

"You fucking him? You gave my pussy to him?."He stood closer to me folding his arms looking me in my eyes; my throat got dry.

"Yes, But I needed to get out of there Dashawn and he was the only one that was going to help. I only want you. You know that." I sniffed.

"So y'all like a couple or something?." He asked I shook my head 'no'.

"But you clearly got on his shit."He squinted at me.

"I just needed something to put on Dashawn." I told him.

"You said he outside right?."He walked passed me and asked.

"Yes."I spoke quietly walking after him as he went outside.

I ran after him as he banged on Clarence window. Clarence rolled it down about to say something but cut him off.

"Listen here, I know you helped my girl out and everything but y'all ain't a thing, bring her friends over here don't ever speak to my girl again." Dashawn spoke calmly.

"Ight I understand." Clarence spoke.

Dasia got out the car and ran towards Dashawn giving him a hug. I walked over to Clarence.

"Thank You Clarence I truly appreciate you." I spoke meaning it from the bottom of my heart.

"No problem Karin I had fun while it lasted."He shrugged I could see that he was upset and by the tone of his voice.

"Karin don't get slapped get yo ass over here."Dashawn yelled I quickly went over to him.

As all of us watch him pull off. Dasia immediately went to her room and me and Dashawn went to ours. We sat in the bed in complete silence.

"You ever thought about leaving me for him?."Dashawn asked quietly.

"These whole five years I been thinking about you. Every time I laid down with him or any other man I had you on my mind. I had to much guilt in me to ever do you like that Dashawn. Yeah the sex was good but I wasn't mentally there."I spoke as he nodded.

"Karin I honestly don't look at you the same no more. I mean I can't judge you because you was forced to do something but you just have to give me some more time for me to get back to how I was feeling before all this shit happened."He spoke.

"I understand Dashawn." I nodded.

"And I'm getting you pregnant again."He said seriously.

"Ok Dashawn." I climbed on top of him holding on to him. I missed this. I could feel his heart beating fastly.

"What's wrong?."I asked staring into his eyes.

"I haven't been near a female in five years. I haven't had sex with you in five years. You done got so much thicker."He smiled giving me a kiss.

"Well I'm here now."I gave him a smile.

"So, when is the last time you fucked ole boy?." He asked I sighed.

"Just ruin a good moment."I glared at him.

"So, last night?."He asked and I nodded.

"Oh."He got quiet then told me to get up.

"Dashawn don't do that; please?."I pouted following him into the bathroom.

"Karin I'm straight let's just go to sleep." He threw his arm around my shoulder walking us to the bed.

"Ok baby."I spoke crawling into the bed and he got in after me.

Later we soon fell asleep.

Check out my new book Save Me

I hope y'all enjoy😘 (I didn't proof read)

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