Chapter 5:Thoughts

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A week later life ain't getting no easier , my mom ain't show up , I wanted to see my father the closer it got to see him the longer it felt , I just wanted to let everything go.

"Shush lil' girl we almost there." My mom spoke as we were walking along a empty street.

It was late at night and all I wanted to do was to go home and lay down but my mother had different plans , sometimes I remember how she acted before the drugs.

"Pick up yo damn feet before I really put my hands on you."My mom turned towards me fastly as she scratched her arm.

She spoke to me like I was a five years old but I was fifteen.

We walked up to a house , it looked old and rusty , my mom knocked on the door wildly waiting for a response soon a buff middle -aged man opened the door.

"You got what I need?." The man asked my mom.

"Yeah , here she go." My mom pushed me towards the door making me trip on some steps I furrowed my eyebrows becoming confused.

I watched as the man handed my mom some money and she took off.

"Mamaaaaa."I yelled as tears began to swell in my eyes.

"Shut yo ass up she gone for tonight."He spoke aggressively before pulling me into the dark house and shutting the door.

"Sit on the couch."He ordered turning on the lights , I sat on the couch feeling my tears hit my legs...

"Karin...Hellooo?." I looked at Dashawn as he snapped his fingers in my face.

"What?."I asked as he sat on the bed looking at me silently.

"What you thinking about that got you zoning out?." I shrugged as his finger touched my face making him look at me.

"Baby girl everything gone be straight."Dashwan spoke...

"Baby girl everything gone be straight."The buff man spoke as his hand rubbed my inner thigh , I shut them quickly as he began pecking my neck.

"Get off of me."I yelled crying , his hand went around my throat cutting my oxygen off as his tongue went across my face.

"P-Please." I whimpered feeling his other hand go inside my shorts.

"Shut the fuck up." He yelled as he threw me onto the floor and began kicking me in my side.

I laid on the floor crying my eyes out knowing if I tried to fight back there would be more consequences for me , soon my vision went black.

"Dashawn I'm fine." I looked into his eyes as he shook his head 'no'.

"Why won't you talk to me Karin?." I rolled my eyes playfully as I plastered a smile on my face.

"Another time Dashawn."I spoke he shrugged.

"I'm not going to bother you no more until you ready."He spoke kissing my cheek.

"Let's go for a ride." Dashawn nodded holding his hand out to help me off the couch.

Minutes later we were inside the car just driving around in silence , it was the afternoon in this time of the day shots would be fired at anyone that was something I always kept in mind.

Dashawn continued to drive when something caught my eye making me gasp.

"Stop the car Dashawn."I spoke fastly tapping his arm.

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