Chapter 19: Suprise!!

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"Congratulations, you are exactly three month pregnant."The doctor smiled at me and Jazmine.

I closed my eyes blinking back the tears as she finished up my ultrasound. She told me everything like who was gone be my doctor for now on and all that good stuff and gave me my ultrasound pictures. Soon we left.

"Are you okay Karin?."Jazmine gave me a little smile trying to make me feel better.

"No, my baby father is in jail and he going's to miss all these moments and I miss him so much."Jazmine opened her arms welcoming me into a hug.

"Your about to make me cry...I'm here for you always , I'll stay as long as you need me too and you can send him a letter with the baby pictures today."I nodded wiping my tears.

We made it to the house and I immediately started to write Dashawn a letter which ended up almost three pages long and so did Dasia but hers was a little shorter then mine. I didn't bother to read hers because I assumed it was private.

Jazmine put all our stuff in a folder and took us both to the jail he was located at. After that was over I felt so depressed; I just wanted to lay up under him but according to his lawyer he wouldn't be getting out anytime soon; Five to seven years for a robbery that happened two years ago.

"You want to do something fun to make you feel better?."Jazmine asked me while we was sitting on the couch.

"No not really I'm not in the mood for that."I spoke nodding.

"Your never gone be in the mood if you don't think positive Karin."Jazmine shook her head.

"Shutup because if it was you, you would be worst."I spoke.

"We're not talking about me though."She spoke making both of us laugh.

"So, what you wanna do tonight?."I asked curiously maybe agreeing to what she was about to say.

"The club."She smiled at me and I frowned.

"No thank you I'll pass."I spoke looking at my phone as it rung I noticed it was the jail calling.

I answered it.

"Hello?."I spoke.

"Would you like to accept this call from Dashawn Creal?."The machine spoke.

"Yes."Jazmine whispered she going to make me some food.

"Heyy baby."I heard Dashawn speak through the phone.

"Hey Dashawn I miss you already."I sighed.

"I'm going to be home real soon to take care of you and my baby I promise."I cleared my throat looking down at my feet.

"Baby I love you I really do but I don't think I can do this for too long I-I need you here with me."I blinked away my tears.

"Please don't do that baby...I'm sorry for putting you through this but if you ever feel like you can't wait on me then don't...go do you."He spoke hearing sadness in his voice I began to break down.

"I would never do that to you."I watched as Jazmine walked over to me and sat down holding her arms out for me; I gave her a hug and began crying onto her shoulder.

"I'll love you til the death of me...I'll love you with your issues in all...even if you bump your head and end up forgetting a nigga."He joked making us both laugh.

"I love you too Dashawn I'll talk to you later."I spoke sitting back up.

"Okay baby."


"Well I guess we can go to the club."I made up my mind as Jazmine nodded going back to the kitchen.

"You sure?."She looked back at me.

"Yeah."I nodded looking at my phone as I got a text.


The message looked just like that I shook my head and put my phone down. I wonder who could that be. I mean the number wasn't saved so I was confused.

Like a hour later the food that Jazmine made was done which was Yellow Rice, Black Beans, and Pork Chops.

"Ouu friend you snapped."I stuffed the food down my throat.

"I mean you knew I could throw down in the kitchen."She shrugged grabbing her bottle of water.

"I haven't ate your food in a while."I shook my head and began to finish my food.

"Cause you left me and everybody been asking about you."She rolled her eyes.

"Well they know my instagram."I shrugged.

Minutes late me and Jazmine was in the car going to the club. Before we left I made sure Dasia was okay with us leaving and that she ate; And locked all the doors.

We made our ways into the club showing the security our Id. I immediately saw all the flashing lights almost blinding me and the music blasting through the speakers. It was so many people in the building.

"You want to go dance?."Jazmine asked. I nodded knowing I didn't know how to dance at all.

I stood there hyping Jazmine up as I slapped her ass. The boys in here probably thought we was a couple because they kept trying to get danced on but I wasn't having that.

Jazmine stood up straight breathing hard as she laughed.

"Damn I'm a fat fuck."I bursted our in laughter.

"My turn."I began to shake my ass feeling myself as I went perfectly with the beat. Feeling Jazmine get behind me I danced harder. I soon began to realize it wasn't Jazmine standing behind me when I felt something poking my butt.

I stood up seeing a dude with a wide as smile on his face. I stared blankly at him and walked away going to find Jazmine.

I saw her in the corner of my eye taking shots. I rolled my eyes walking over to her.

"Why you leave me?."I asked looking as she looked at me with a surprised facial expression.

"I-I didn't leave you girl come sit by me."I sat by her noticing she was already drunk. And when she's drunk she's a different person.

"Karin I feel sick as hell."She threw her arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe you should stop drinking,"I watched as she took three more shots.

"Girllll."She slurred almost falling over.

"Fuck this we leaving."I spoke dragging her by her arm.

I had her wrap her hands around my waist and sit her head on my shoulder.

"Damn you got a fat ass."She laughed.

"But you knew that."I spoke walking outside the club  realizing we were the only ones out here and Jazmine car was all the way in the back.

I sighed and began walking towards the car all of a sudden I felt something hit the back of my head which made me fall forward feeling a body land on top of mines everything went black.


Too short??😩 I'm try to make the next chapter long.

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