Chapter 26: Rise & Shine

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"Get the fuck up who the fuck is this Dashawn?." I woke up to a phone being thrown at my face.

"Damn Karin don't start." I mumbled as soon as I said that I felt her began to drag me by my wife beater.

"Move Karin I'm not fucking playing with you damn."I pushed her off of me hearing her fall to the floor.

"So this is why you ain't been coming home at night? She's why you been so secretive?."She yelled and started to charge towards me but I pinned her to the floor.

"I'm tired of your shit!." I yelled in her face.

It got quiet she looked at me for a couple of seconds with so much anger before she spoke.

"You tired of me? Then get all your shit and get out my fucking house and don't come back no more. I hope this new girl keep you satisfied." She spoke calmly as her chest heaved up and down.

"Bet that's all you had to say." I stood up to my feet and began to get my clothes.

I watched as she got up and got into the bed. She threw the covers on top of her and began texting somebody.

"Who the fuck you texting?." I questioned as I held some shirts in my hand. She ignored me and continued to text that person.

"Who the fuck you texting Karin?!."I got angry and yelled.

"Don't fucking worry about it." She spoke quietly.

"If that's Clarence I'm gone kill you and him don't play with me."I spoke walking into the bathroom.

"Go ahead you delusional bastard." She spoke as I chuckled and shook my head.

I grabbed my shit and went to the car. I was tired of her shit and whenever I wasn't around her I felt at peace. Which is crazy because I use to never get enough of her.

I headed my way to Miracle house.

Once I got there I knocked on her door waiting for a response. But I knew she was here because her car was. The door opened and she came around the corner with a huge smile on her face causing me to smile.

"Wassup baby." I spoke giving her a kiss and walking inside.

"Hey bae." She grabbed my hand as she closed the door.

"Your stomach getting bigger." I spoke as she rolled her eyes.

"Boy hush."She giggled as we made our way to her room.


"So you don't mind if he comes over?." I asked Dasia.

"No not at all it's your house and I would've did the same thing."She shrugged as she looked at me.

"Ight." I spoke grabbing my phone to text Clarence back.

If Dashawn wants to have his fun I mean why can't I. I can't cry no more I feel like I've been crying for almost two months and he wouldn't care. He would watch me cry then pull me closer to him. I miss the old Dashawn that would've told me "Stop Crying Babygirl everything gone be alright I'm going to change for you I promise."

But it seems like the more he's around me the more he doesn't care. And I can't change him he can only change hisself because I've tried.

"You okay?." Dasia asked me I looked up from my phone nodding.

"Are you okay?."I asked getting up from the couch.

"Of course... I'm happy to be back home."She spoke smiling I nodded my head agreeing with her.

Suddenly the door bell rung. I smiled looking out the window seeing Clarence with a smirk on his face. Seeing him suddenly made my attitude change. I was happy.

I opened the door greeting him with a hug. He grabbed my face softly planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey Clarence."Dasia yelled through the house.

"Wassup little girl."He walked inside closing the door.

"Nothing much."She spoke back.

I felt Clarence hands wrap around my waist as I blushed.

"You smell like weed."I whispered to him as we continued to walk to the bathroom.

"That's because I got it on me."His hands roamed all over my body.

We made it to the room and I laid down on the bed. Clarence shut the door and sat beside me. He pulled two blunts from both of his ears and handed me one.

"Thanks baby."I spoke as he lit his blunt and handed me the lighter.

"No problem now lay on me and tell me how you feel until you don't want to talk no more."He spoke putting the blunt to his lips and laying down on his back. I laid on by his side putting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Well, I just feel like the spark is gone in our relationship... He treats me like shit now and he's talking to somebody else."I inhaled and exhaled.

"How does he treat you like shit? What he do to you?." He questioned.

"He called me out my name a couple of times and put his hands on me but I didn't care about none of that Clarence I just want the old him back but I don't know what I did wrong or how could I fix that." Tears began to flow down my face as we sat in complete silence.

"Karin why don't you care about none of that? You don't deserve to go through that... Ask him how can you fix it and what you did wrong..."He sighed pulling my hair out my face.

"I don't care about that because I love him and I'm willing to work this out... and I got mad one day and said if I knew you were going to treat me like this I should've stayed with Clarence and I kicked him out and now he probably at that bitch house."I admitted.

"Karin you can't say shit like that." He spoke and I agreed.

We both was silent as we finished our blunts. I felt better actually just letting everything out.

"Karin."He said.

"Wassup?." I asked turning over.

"Can I eat yo pussy?." He asked seriously as I giggled.

"Come on." I turned on my back pulling my legs back  allowing him to pull off my pink shorts.

I adjusted my head on the pillow as he adjusted hisself between my legs. He spreaded my lips giving my clit a long lick causing me to jump. This feeling was something crazy.

"Hmm." He sucked my clit as my legs shook. He lifted his head as he drooled on my pussy going back in for more.

"Damn Clarence."I moaned pushing  his head deeper.

He flicked his tongue and circled his tongue.

"Clarence s-stop." I lifted myself up trying to pull away from him but he grabbed onto my waist pulling me closer.

"Cum in my mouth."He mumbled looking into my eyes.

"Clarence please." My legs got weak as I grabbed at his wrist trying to get out of his hold.

I looked down at him as tears ran down my face. I began to shake terribly. I came in his mouth watching him slurp it up. He continued causing me to push him away. He got up and chuckled. He leaned it for a kiss and I gave him one sliding my tongue in his mouth.

"Damn you nasty." He smiled licking his lips.

I grabbed at his belt unbuckling it he moved my hands telling me to lay back and I did.

He slid inside of me allowing a moan to slip out. He put my legs on his shoulders and went deep as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

Clarence in mm🤷🏾‍♀️
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Every time I be like ok I'm about to end this book I get more ideas & then I think about how many people actually enjoy this book 🤦🏾‍♀️

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