Chapter 7:I Wish

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"Karin come on you gotta eat something." I held her in my arms while she sat in my lap.

"I'm not hungry."She mumbled laying her head on my chest

One month later Karin been looking for a place to stay , she says she feels like she's in the way , Karin also began to become more to herself she hasn't been the same since the house fire.

I been trying to find the niggas that hurt my baby and my sister but it only gets harder with school in the way and Karin constantly questioning me.

"Babygirl not today just eat about five spoonfuls of the food."She just stared at me with a look.

"My body hurt and I'm tired."She whined.

"Why you tired?."I asked rubbing her booty.

"Because you always leave me at night then I can't go to sleep."She spoke leaning up her head and kissing my lips.

"I leave you because im trying to find these niggas."I put my hand under her shirt rubbing her back as she shivered.

Right now me in Karin were in the gym skipping lunch because she didn't want to be around everybody.

I didn't like the fact that she wasn't her normal self but that is what I'm here for.

"Grind on it for me."I said lowly making her bite her lip.

"You so grown."She rolled her eyes as she moved her position spreading her legs as she pressed herself onto me.

"I know baby."She leaned towards me as I began kissing on her neck , I grabbed one of her breast massaging it gently as she rolled her hips on me in a circular motion.

I slid my other hand slowly down into her panties hearing the gym door open Karin got off of me fastly sitting besides me as she fixed herself.

"Cafeteria now you guys shouldn't be in here."One of the many AP spoke waiting for us to get up.

"Come on."I pulled Karin up grabbing me and her book bag leaving the lunch there.

"Y'all think y'all slick."The AP spoke as we walked pass her and laughed.

"Kids are crazy now."She mumbled under her breath

I grabbed Karin laughing we waited for the the bell to ring so we could go to class I gave Karin a kiss and walked to my class.


Hours later school was over and I was sitting in the parking lot in the car waiting for Karin to come out.

She walked passed the car going to the passenger side opening the door she had this look on her face that expressed that she was in a good mood.

"What's going on? You look like a creep."I spoke making her suck her teeth.

"I got my grades up finally and my dad is less than two hours away , I'm finally some what happy again."She smiled at me I grabbed her by her throat softly kissing her feeling her tongue slide in my mouth I sucked on it making her laugh breaking off the kiss.

"I'm tired take me home."She yawned as I started the car up.

"You always tired and you don't want nothing to eat before we head home?."She shook her head no making me groan.

"I don't give a fuck what you say anymore we getting some damn food."I told her she laughed shaking her head.

"I'm in a good mood right now don't mess it up please I just want to go home."She said as she played with her hands I picked her head up looking in her eyes.

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