Chapter 12: Our Road Trip

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Today was moving day for me , Dasia , and Karin. We all hated the fact that we had to move but it was for the better for all of us. Karin has also been a little sad because Jazmine wasn't able to come with her even though she said she was going to keep in touch with her.

But now we were all in the car heading to Atlanta, Georgia. All we had to do was move our stuff in due to the fact that Karin's dad was already down there with the keys.

As I was driving all I kept thinking about was leaving my homeboys , not finding my other sister , my family , and not seeing or finding Alex. He had a part of me. He was some of the reason for my depression over the years , my families devastation , and Karin's some what issues. I wanted to find him and hurt him or even kill him if that was to make everyone happy.

I just wanted everything to be just fine. No worries. No issues. No problems.

I pushed up on the brake as I came up on a car in front of me. I looked over at Karin who was on her phone not paying me any attention. I looked back at Dasia seeing her sleep.

I pushed the gas as the traffic began to disappear.

"Karin." I spoke as I felt her look at me.

"Huh?."I smiled hearing her sweet voice.

"What you doing over there?."I asked keeping my eyes on the road and turning down the radio.

"Liking pictures and texting Jazmine."She spoke.

"Oh, but I been driving for two hours, you want to switch spots?." I asked not really caring if she said 'no' because we made a deal.

"Nah , you got it babe." She laughed a little.

"Oh hell nah , when I see the next rest area I'm pulling over so you can drive." I smiled.

"Nooooo I don't want to."She complained and whined.

"You funny as fuck if you think I'm going to drive for longer then two hours."I spoke amused at how she was acting.

"I'm a comedian babe and I don't feel like driving."She huffed.

"Me either but that's what your going to be doing in about three miles."I spoke looking as we passed a sign.

"Fine."She spoke with a slight attitude.

I looked over at her smiling.

"Keep acting like that ima stuff dis dick in yo guts." I smirked as she smiled rolling her eyes.

"Oh shut up." She looked at me with lust.

I pulled all the way over and began driving towards the rest area. As Karin huffed and puffed.

"Shut yo ass up the time is going to go by fast."I parked the car getting out and stretched my legs.

I opened the car door were Dasia was , She immediately woke up with big eyes and just stared at me.

"If you gotta pee this is your time to do so."I said as she rushed out the car running towards the restrooms almost falling over a pole. Me and Karin looked at each other and started laughing.

"She funny as fuck."Karin held onto her stomach.

I digged in my pocket handing Karin ten dollars.

"Go to the vending machine and get some snacks."Karin nodded walking off as I stared at her perfectly shaped body as watched as her ass jiggled with every step she took.

Minutes later Karin came back with a disgusted look on her face and empty hands.

"Why you looking like that and where the snacks?."I asked.

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