Chapter 9: Sick

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To be continued...

After I dropped Dasia off at the house I began to drive Karin to the hospital , she hasn't been eating as much as she should have been and it was bothering me while she made it seem like it was okay.

I looked over at Karin as she looked out the window I laid my hand on her thigh rubbing it smoothly as she continued to look out the window with a attitude.

"Why you looking at me? Look at the road."She said as she turned towards me.

"Shut up."I mugged her as she moved my hand.

"You shut up fool...I don't like you."She mumbled.

"I love you too babe."I smiled at her as she folded her arms.

I pulled up to the hospital waiting for Karin to get out she slammed the door walking slowly walking behind me.

"I'm gone fix your attitude when we make it back home."I spoke watching as she looked me up and down.

"Yeah whatever."She shrugged.

"Yeah okay."

We walked into the hospital seeing a couple of people sitting down in the chairs.

"Eww this place stinks...take me homeeee."Karin whined stomping her feet like a little kid.

"No something wrong with you and we need to find out what's wrong bae."I sighed walking up to the counter.

"Ummm hello I would like to get a check up."I heard Karin blankly say.

"Okay , what's your name?."I watched as the lady at the desk licked her lips at me and fixed her shirt.

"Aye, I don't need you licking yo crunchy ass lips at my my name is Karin Jinsui."Karin spoke making me laugh.

"I'm not trying to loose my job today...but you can go sit down."She mumbled the first part and flashed a fake smile towards Karin.

"Yeah okay hoe."Karin spoke walking to the chairs.

"Damn bae I ain't never heard you speak like that."I said to her as she sighed as we sat down.

"I'm just irritated."She played with her fingers.

Deep down inside I knew that she knew something was wrong with her she just didn't want to admit it because she didn't want to be here.

"It's okay baby as soon as we leave here I'm gone make it up to you."She laid her head on my shoulder.

"That would be nice bae."I saw a smile on her face.

Hours has passed and we were still sitting in these chairs , I was tired as fuck and now I wasn't in the mood for this shit , I saw a doctor walking towards us making me sit up.

"Karin Jinsui."The doctor spoke.

"That's us."I spoke raising my hand lowly he nodded waiting for me to wake up Karin.

"Baby get up."I shook her.

"I'm up."She yawned and stood up to her feet I stood too walking behind the nurse.

"How are y'all today?."He asked as we entered a room I watched as he shut the door.

"Decent."Karin mumbled sitting on the table.

"Ok , so what's going on? Why are we here today?"He asked.

"I don't know."Karin mumbled as she stared at me.

"She's not eating and vomiting.."I spoke sitting down.

"And my joints my knees they hurt just a little bit."Karin mumbled as she looked at the nurse.

"Those symptoms usually means we need to run some test."The nurse spoke as he wrote on his clipboard.

"Ok , this could take a long time depending on how many test we run on you do you have any other symptoms you have had?."He asked.

"I have had some fevers..."Karin shrugged.

"She's been wanting to sleep all the time and be alone."I spoke looking at Karin.

"Ok , this sounds like you could have Crohn's disease which is just a disease that contains a lot of pain in the body more in the stomach and other things like weight loss , depression and stuff like that...ummm but you can take medicine to slow it down and the disease can be lifelong or can last for some's a rare disease."The doctor spoke making me sigh.

"So , your going to find out if I have that?."Karin asked.

"Yes ma'am , I'll be right back to get things started."I watched as the nurse walked out and close the door.

"Damn bae what if I have that shit?"Karin pouted looking at me.

"Then we gone work through it baby , I'm still here for you."I got up giving her some kisses and sitting back down.

I looked at her for a little while having thoughts about fucking the shit out of her.

"Bae when you gone let me fuck the shit out of you?."I asked as her eyes went big making me laugh.

"Soon really really soon."She smiled looking at me.

"That's all I need to know baby."I licked my lips.

I watched as her face changed up, she look like she had a lot on her mind.

I just wanted to take Karin home and please her. I just wanted to make her happy.

"We'll be home in a little bit."I spoke looking at the clock that was on the wall.

Moments later doctors came in and began running test on her causing me to get bored and fall asleep.

I felt my arm being tapped on I woke up rubbing my eyes and sitting up looking at the doctor that was in front of me.

"Looks like someone got tired."He laughed as I looked over at a yawning Karin.

"Well, Karin has been diagnosed with Crohn's disease we will be able to prescribe medicines to help slow down the disease and you would need a monthly screening to see if any progress has been made."The doctor spoke looking at me then his clipboard.

I sighed looking at Karin. "Ok Doc...See you when?."I asked standing.

"I'll call you guys to let y'all know."He flashed a smile.

"Ight."I grabbed Karin hand walking out the room.

As we made our way to the parking lot I noticed the sun was coming up.

"Babe, you want some food before we head to the house?."I asked walking to the driver's seat and getting in the car.

"Yes Daddy I want food."She moaned looking over at me making me laugh.

"Ight you gone get what you asking for."I laughed starting the car and pulling off going to a near by McDonald's.

After I got the breakfast for us we went home, ate with Dasia and soon fell asleep.

Haven't updated in a while but I'm back😌

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