Chapter 25: Walmart Run

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I rubbed on Karin body as she laid on top of me sleep. I missed these days but the more I thought about her and that nigga Clarence the more I wanted to distance myself. I don't feel like she is completely mine anymore.

I moved my hand on to her booty giving it soft rubs. Then rubbed her back in circles.

"Mhm."She moaned in her sleep.

"Get up I'm about to go to the store real quick."I spoke as she lifted her head with her eyes half way closed.

"Just give me five more minutes."She laid her head back down I sucked my teeth lifting her off me and laying her to the side.

"Now you really doing too much."She spoke rolling her eyes.

"Ok and?."I stared at her as she stared back.

"What's your problem Dashawn?."She sat up in the bed and sighed.

"Nothing...I'll be back."I mumbled sliding on a pair of jeans. I grabbed the car keys from the dresser and proceeded to leave but Karin ran in front of the door.

"Don't tell me ain't nothing wrong when there is clearly something wrong... talk to me." I took a deep breath.

"Karin move the fuck out of my way." I said slowly.

"If I knew you was gone treat me like this I should've stayed with Clarence."She uttered.

"Karin don't fucking play with me." I snatched her ass up so she could look me dead in my face.

"I ain't playing with you Dashawn."She snatched her arm from my tight grip.

"Don't worry about it then me and Dasia will be gone by tonight." I shrugged walking past her and leaving out the room.

I had a lot on my mind and for Karin to sit there and say she should've stayed with Clarence struck a nerve. I was having battles mentally and I just need a break. I no longer trust Karin. And that is perfectly fine because if she feels that way then it's time for me to move on.

I made it to Walmart and got a cart I strolled around grabbing random things that i thought me and Dasia would want. I heard my phone continue to go off in my pocket making me reach for it.

Baby I'm sorry

Please come back home

I didn't mean any of that😢

Come home and dick me down😣

I shook my head putting my phone back in my pocket I wasn't in the mood right now. I walked down one of the freezer aisle looking for Hot Pockets. As I was looking for them a beautiful female caught my eye.

She was gorgeous. She was brown skin with a short hairstyle and a nice body and also very short compared to me. I noticed the chain that was hanging from her neck that was similar looking to Karin's. I stopped day dreaming as she came closer with a smile. I smiled back.

"Can you get that for me?." She asked with a shy low voice pointing towards some Strawberry Ice Cream.

"Yeah sure beautiful."I smiled opening the freezer door and handing her the ice cream.

"Thank you and thank you."She grabbed the ice cream from me putting it in her cart.

She began to walk off but I ran up behind her. "Can I get your number?." I asked her as she nodded.

"Yeah it's 609-345-6789." She told me as I put it into my phone.

"I'll text you later beautiful."I spoke.

"Ight luv." She smiled and walked off.

I got all the things I needed and went up to the cash register to pay for them. I smiled to myself as I thought about the previous moment.

Once I got home I entered the house to see Dasia on the couch watching Love & Hip Hop as soon as she heard me she walked up towards me with a attitude.

"What you do to Karin?."She folded her arms as I shrugged.

"What you mean?." I sat the bags on the counter.

"She's been crying since you left and told me that you don't love her or want her anymore." I sighed.

It was funny how she told Dasia all these things but she didn't tell her how she said she wanted to be with Clarence or that she kicked us out. I walked into our room hearing quiet sniffing in the bathroom; The bathroom door was locked. I could smell weed creeping through the door.

"Karin open the door." I spoke waiting for a response.

The door slowly opened and smoke began to fill the bedroom. I looked at her blood shot eyes as she held a blunt in her hands with dried up tears on her face.

"Karin come on let's lay down."I grabbed her hand feeling her snatch it back.

"I-I don't know Dashawn I feel like we're going to fall apart. When we got together you promised all these things your not doing now. When I look into your eyes I want to get lost in them. When I hear your voice I want to feel all bubbly inside.." She turned towards the mirror looking at herself as she dropped the white towel she had on. Immediately began to get hard.

"But now when I look at you it's different... you don't want me no more, love me no more, get happy around me no more, I feel dead around you Dashawn all because I fucked up when you was locked up...I feel like I disgust you and I'm trying to be better for the both of us."She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

I sat down on the top of the bathroom pulling her towards my lap. She hesitated to sit down but she did. I wrapped my hands around her waist.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm going to get better I promise."My eyes began to water as I grabbed onto her breasts planting soft kisses on her back.

"Come on let's go to sleep." I spoke as she got up.

I finished off the blunt and walked back to the bed I laid down as she straddled me.

"Daddy I still want some dick."She mumbled tiredly.

I didn't say nothing as I texted the girl number I met at the store. I put my phone on silent and laid it back down.

I slid my dick out my basketball shorts and slowly stuck myself inside her hearing her moans softly. I smiled to myself as I grabbed onto her hips.

"I missed this pussy."I mumbled feeling her put her head between my neck.


So short ik🙄 READ MY NEW BOOK SAVE ME!!!

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