Chapter 27: Confessions

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"Baeeee can you fix me some leftovers? Please!." Miracle yelled through the house.

I sighed finishing my blunt. I got up from the couch going into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door and grabbed some leftovers for her which was Macaroni, a fried pork chop and some corn.

I put that all on a plate and stuck it into the microwave. After it was done I grabbed a spoon going into the room. I handed Miracle the plate watching as she smiled and began to eat.

"Your okay?." I asked sitting on the side of the bed.

"Yes Shawn I'm fine my stomach is just killing me."She sighed eating some of the pork chop.

"What can I do?." I asked.

"Rub my stomach... Softly."She shrugged. I got up fixing my shorts and laid beside her rubbing her stomach.

"You so fine, I want you in my stomach."She smirked.

"No can do freak."I laughed as she pouted.

"You'll be straight."I shrugged continuing to rub her stomach.

"I won't... I just need some dick I just need some lov-."I interrupted her.

"Shutup." I spoke.

I looked at her Miracle as she winced in pain holding onto her stomach.

"What's wrong?."I asked sitting up.

"We need to go to the hospital."She began to breath heavy.


"Clarence I can't do this no more." I barely spoke above a whisper as I sat on the bathroom floor wiping my tears.

"Karin c'mon baby don't do nothing crazy... just open the door please." I dropped the knife looking up at the ceiling before speaking to myself.

Don't do it Karin everything gone be alright God got you girl! God gone bless you...

I stood to my feet slowly opening the bathroom door feeling myself fall into Clarence arms.  His arms held me tightly as I felt his heart pounding quickly.

"You alright?." I once again wiped my face standing straight.

"No I just want to sleep." I mumbled.

"Well can you talk to me? About anything?." He watched me as I got into the bed throwing the covers over my head.

"No Clarence can you please just give me some space?!." I let out loudly hearing him sigh.

"Ok." I heard as he made a lot of movement then laid In the bed adjusting hisself.

I couldn't help but to wonder what was he thinking about; I didn't mean to be harsh if that's how I sounded but I just needed time to think before I went crazy.

A few minutes later I turned over looking at him as he looked back at me. I felt myself firm a smile on my face as he stared into my eyes. I scooted towards him as he wrapped his arms around me rocking me back and forth.

"Sorry Clarence."I spoke against his chest hearing his heart beat in a normal pace.

"You straight Karin, I get it."He mumbled lowly.

"Are you okay?." I sat up and looked at him as he rubbed his low watering eyes.

"No."He gave me a faint smile I watched as he sighed.

"Well, what's wrong?." I climbed on top of him.

"Why you with me?."He looked at me I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What you mean why? I'm with you because I appreciate you and everything you do or did for me I'm not with you because me and Dashawn aren't talking if that's what you think Clarence."I explained as he shook his head.

"I'm tired of being too nice or whatever cause that's gets me fucked over at the end of the day I don't want to be taken advantage of Karin; You not the only one going through shit Karin, I try to be strong for you to be your support but deep down inside... I don't want to be here."I stared at him feeling my throat close up and my eyes began to water.

"Clarence, you don't mean that do you?."I shook my head. He gave me a blank stare.

"Get off of me."He now had a attitude.

"No Clarence I-I just didn't think you thought like this. I want to help you."I told him.

"You can't even help yourself Karin; I want to take a break until we both got our heads straight."

"That's only going to make things worst for me." I got off of him sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What we gone do? I need space and you need comfort."He spoke I ignored all that he was saying.

"Why you don't want to be here?." I turned towards him.

"I'm just going through a lot of shit." I began to get frustrated.

"Stop doing that and tell me something."I spoke.

"My mama in the fucking hospital on her damn death bed Karin!." He yelled. His face was now flushed with redness and tears.

"Clarence you don't have to do all of that! At least you have your mama, you got family!." I yelled back.

"This ain't about you right now, everything been about you since I got here all you care about is your mental state."He began to walk out the bedroom door but I blocked it.

"That's not true Clarence I'm not trying to sound like that but I can't think straight I'm tired of having nightmares, I'm tired of thinking about me being molested, I'm tired of remembering I use to get beat on, my mama tried killing me multiple times, everybody coming after me, But do not sit up here and tell me I think everything is about me when you don't like telling me how you feel because I try Clarence...I do."I spoke as he sighed.

"It's hard Karin." Tears ran down his face as he looked down at me.

"I know baby." I reached up and gave him a hug  he wrapped his arms around my waist and rocked us back and forth.

"We can't keep arguing like this."He spoke I nodded.

"Let's go see your mom." I spoke.

"Thanks Karin."


Chapters getting shorter & shorter😬 ending this book very soon.

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