Chapter 30: God's Plan

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4 months later.


I woke up in a cold sweat looking around me Dashawn was no where to be found in the room. I scooted to the edge of the bed getting up slowly smelling cinnamon. I smiled feeling the major kicks in the middle of my stomach I guess she or he was hungry too.

I opened the door and began to walk down the stairs seeing Dashawn in the kitchen cooking with no shirt on. Once he noticed me he smiled giving me a kiss and hugged back grabbing a piece of bacon that was on the plate in front of us.

"After we done eating, you gone be ready to go for our walk?."Dashawn asked grabbed me again giving kisses all over me.

Yes, I said Dashawn. Me and Clarence decided to part ways before things got too crazy between us. We both hated the way how we turned out but it was only for the better for us. Dashawn immediately came back willing to help me out. I wasn't necessarily ready to be around another nigga but I accepted it.

"Yes baby." I turned around to grab a plastic plate and I handed it to him. Feeling the urge to have to pee I hurried to the bathroom. Multiple kicks rumbled through my stomach feeling terrible back pains I sat on the toilet.

"How many pieces of bacon you want babe?." I heard Dashawn yell.

"I want four..wait bae come here real quick." I winced in pain feeling bad cramping in the bottom of my stomach.

I heard his steps come up to the room watching him open the door his face immediately scrunched up.

"Dashawn it's hurting , like cramping or something." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Come on." He put his arms out I wiped myself and stood to my feet feeling that they were weak.

"We about to have the baby."He cheered I held on to his arm while we walked down the stairs.

"Babe I cant walk no more."I winced in pain feeling myself get light headed.

"Bae! Come on man don't do this right now." I felt my eyes slowly close and then everything went black.

"Karin? Karin it's time to push."I woke up to two doctors in my face with my legs pushed back feeling terrible pain in my lower back.

"Wait! I'm not ready."I spoke tiredly rubbing the sweat off my forehead.

"Yes you are Karin you can do this! When your next contraction come I'm going to need you to push."She spoke calmly looking at the monitor to make sure I was okay.

Few seconds later a contraction came and I was now pushing feeling dizzy my eyes closed.


"Her heart rate is decreasing we need everyone out the room!."One of the doctors said.

My heart immediately dropped.

"What the fuck you mean d-." She interrupted.

"Sir, we need you guys to leave please before we loose her." I watched as four doctors bussed through the door and one of them guiding me, Jazmine, and Ari our the room.

Tears began to flood my eyes leaving my vision blurred. I turned to my mama seeing her with tears running down her face with her arms open I walked towards.

"She'll be okay Dashawn she's a very strong girl." She rubbed my back slowly.

"Yeah, she's going to be okay she'll never leave you or her child behind Dashawn everything is going to be okay."Jazmine reassured me.

"B-But what if... she need me in there right now I can't let her leave me."Tears continues to roll down my face but I didn't give a fuck.

I worked so hard to get Karin back and she meant the world to me I don't know what I'll do if she died; She's my everything, my heart. We been through everything together. She was there when I needed her and I was there when she needed me.

I sat in the chair anxiously watching the clock. I couldn't stop crying neither could anybody else. Either way I was going to be the best father I could ever be.

"Dashawn.."A doctor walked towards us I could tell from her face she didn't make it.

"I'm sorry to inform you guys but unfortunately Karin Jinsui didn't make it; Her heart rate completely dropped, we tried everything as fast as we could so we wouldn't also loose the baby... The good news is the baby is healthy she is six pounds and elven ounces."She spoke I wiped my face and cleared my throat.

"Could we see both of them?."I asked with a lump in my throat.

"Yes sir, one at a time." I decided to go first following the doctor all I could hear from behind me was crying from Jazmine, Ari, Dasia, and my mama which broke my heart.

We stood at the door before she opened the door. She opened it slowly going inside I could hear my babygirl crying which warmed my heart. I looked seeing one of the doctors feeding her.

"What would you like to name this beautiful little girl?."She looked up and smiled at me.

"Lailani Jinsui Creale."I proudly spoke grabbing the birth certificate one of the doctors handed me.

Although my hands were shaking a bit I perfectly wrote out the name Karin picked out for her. As soon as I was done signing the doctor handed me Lailani. She looked at me quietly and soon closed her eyes as I put the bottle in her mouth.

I took a deep breathe before walking over to the bed that Karin lifeless body laid in. The hospital sheet was over her face.

"We'll give you guys some space."The doctors left; it was completely silent.

I pulled the sheet down taking a deep breathe feeling my heart skip a beat. I began to cry harder feeling myself get numb. I touched her arm feeling the coldness of her skin. I sat down in the chair beside her.

"Karin, please I'm sorry-y can you please come back; I just need to hear your voice one more time, I took you for granted I need you with me.." I felt Lailani move around in my arms.

"You see your beautiful mother?."I moved her to my other arm raising her up her eye opened little.

"Your mother says your beautiful Lailani, she wants you to be strong through any and everything."I spoke.

"Your my precious baby, your mine I'm never going to let nobody hurt you ever."I kissed her forehead.

I kissed Karin's forehead letting my tears flow down my face. Just wanting to see her open her eyes could make me happier then ever but she never opened them not even once; I guess this was God's Plan.


The end guys. This is the last chapter of this book.

Writing this chapter was hard 🤦🏾‍♀️

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