Chapter 29: Well Where Do I Start?

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I sat in my car with the heat on at the park waiting for Dashawn. I agreed to have a conversation with him after procrastinating for two weeks. I just wanted to hear what he has to say it's not like I was necessarily going to get back with him again.

My phone went off I grabbed it reading a message from Dashawn that said 'I'll be there in a minute' I texted back putting my phone down. I held on to my stomach feeling a contraction. I breathed up and down soon feeling it go away.

I felt a appearance making me look to the left of me I seen Dashawn with a light smile; it was like every time I saw him he would look sicker but I gave a faint smile back unlocking my car doors allowing him to come in. He quickly sat in da car and closed the door.

"Hey beautiful."He smiled fixing his coat.

"Hey Dashawn." I sat my phone down giving him my attention.

"Well, where do I start? I miss you Karin I truly do I haven't been the same without you mentally and physically; I know you see how worn out I look I never meant to put you through the shit I put you through it was all out of anger, I-I don't know Karin you know I want you every since I first saw you I knew you was gone be mine I wanted you for you and you knew that... I just feel like when I was sent to jail you let that nigga Clarence come between us and you shouldn't have, you know that if I wasn't in jail I would've saved you from going into that place... you know that Karin." He paused taking a deep breathe allowing some tears to fall out his eyes.

"When we got together I told you I was gone always be there for you and take care of everything." He finished.

"But that doesn't give you any right to cheat on me and treat me like you ain't want me." I looked at him swallowing my spit slowly. I was getting emotional and that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

"Karin, you told me you wanted Clarence you let that fuck nigga come between us." His voice got stern.

I stared at him with my arms folded as he stared back deeply.

"I don't want to argue Karin I just want another chance I promise I'm not gone fuck up."He spoke softly.

"I thought your new girl was pregnant; Yea word got out that she was pregnant."I spoke watching him shake his head.

"No, she lied and admitted that wasn't my baby her baby father even called and they got back together." He shrugged.

"So, that's why your back? You found out that wasn't your baby now you trying to come back?." I questioned.

"No Karin I miss you I made a mistake."He sighed putting his head in his hands.

"Don't do that." I took my hand moving his hands from his face.

"I don't ever want to see you do that it's going to be okay Dashawn I just need to think about this I want you to be apart of my life I don't know about immediately getting back together though, I want to see you start eating and stuff get back healthy because this ain't you Dashawn." I watched a tear slip from his eye as he nodded causing my eyes to pour.

I gave him a hug as he gave one back tightly a smile formed on my face.

"Well, how far along are you?." He let go sitting back in the chair.

"I'm five months and two weeks." I spoke as he smiled.

"Is it a girl or boy Karin?." He rubbed my stomach feeling the little movement.

"My next appointment is Tuesday." I spoke putting my hand over his.

"That's good." He nodded looking through the glass I knew he was thinking about something so I asked.

"What you thinking about?." I asked.

"That's my baby?."He turned towards me I shrugged feeling disgusted with myself.

How could I not know who the father of my child was?

1 hour later.

I just made it into the house with Dasia and sat on the couch.

"How was school?." I asked her as she sighed.

"The usual... I just hate people." She shrugged walking into the kitchen grabbing leftovers.

"You talked to my brother?." She asked and I smirked.

"Yeah why?."I questioned.

"I was talking to him on the phone and he just seemed so happy."She stuck her plate in the microwave.

I made my way up to my room and shut my door getting into the shower. This is just what I needed a hot steaming shower and a nice sleep. Once o was out the shower I lotioned myself up and laid ont9 my bed.

I texted Jazmine back hearing the door open I looked up seeing Clarence with a apologetic look on his face and some roses in his hands. I sat up with the covers wrapped around me watching him sit beside me. To be honest I didn't want to see him right now I just didn't believe how he treated me.

"I'm sorry Karin."He glanced at me I shrugged.

"Damn two weeks wasn't long enough?."He asked with a confused look.

"You saying that like I told you to leave, you didn't check on the baby or me the fuck."I spoke with aggression.

"Well I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes standing up tightening the covers.

"I'm tired of hearing that fucking word 'I'm sorry' this 'I'm sorry' that don't say it if you don't fucking mean it!." I pointed my finger in his face anger flashed through his face before he quickly calmed down.

"What the fuck else you want me to say Karin?."He shrugged with the most dullest look on his face.

I walked off from him going to my drawer grabbing a gown I dropped the cover quickly putting the gown on me. I walked back over to him standing close in his face.

"I want you to show me that you fucking sorry!." I yelled in face taking my hand pushing his face.

"Don't put yo hands on me Karin I'm telling you please don't."He calmly looked at me.

"What the fuck you gone do bitch?."I yelled watching him stand to his feet.

"You want me to put my hands on you, you want me to hurt you so you can leave me!." His face quickly turned red and his veins poked out of his neck and arms as he walked up on me making me walk back.

He grabbed my arm roughly pulling me up towards him. " If you want me to leave just say that! I came to apologize and look how you got me acting Karin; look how you got me acting." His grip on my arm loosened.

I removed his arm feeling a contraction come on. I walked towards the bed holding on to my stomach and laid down. I was done for tonight. I looked at Clarence as he sighed loudly slamming his hands to the side. He cut the light off and got into the bed rubbing my stomach.


Dashawn or Clarence🤐??? y'all choose.

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