Chapter 11: Peace Disturbed

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"Karin he's walking over here."Dasia began to cry as I cleared my throat seeing a tall figure in my shadow behind me.

"Don't be scared Dasia he's ju-."I stopped in the middle of my sentence hearing Alex interrupt me.

"Wassup hoes."I instantly got mad reaching up to slap him but he grabbed my wrist tightly shoving it away from him.

"Don't make the wrong mistake that's gone get you fucked up again Karin."He mumbled lowly looking into my eyes.

I snatched my wrist from him still looking at him our eye contact never broke.

"And you think you could escape from me with out me finding you...your so pretty but your so dumb."He spoke smiling at Dasia.

"Come on Dasia."I picked up the food standing up feeling Alex push me down in my seat.

"Move nigga damn."I rolled my eyes standing back up.

He pushed me back down more aggressively , I looked at his face seeing nothing but anger , I could see the veins poking out his neck and his face getting red by the second.

"I ain't done speaking to you hoe."He looked around before putting his hand around my neck.

"Get off of her." Dasia spoke pushing Alex out the way , he put his hands up stepping back.

"Ight lil mama , I'll see y'all soon." He flashed a smile before walking off.

"Let's go."I spoke getting my phone and food.

Dasia walked by my side as we walked to the car. I made sure she got into the car first then I began to drive home.

It's crazy how Alex comes around and see us at the mall. I had so many questions going through my head and I just wanted to sleep.

"Are you okay?."I heard Dasia ask.

"Yes , are you okay?." I asked her.

"Yea , but are you going to tell Dashawn?."

"No.. why would I? We're moving."I spoke.

"Okay but he's going to see those marks on your neck and wrist."She spoke looking out the window.

"No he's not."I said.

Minutes later I pulled into the driveway turning off the car. We brought all the things in and I went to the room to lay down.

"You been smoking?."I asked Dashawn as he looked at me slowly nodding.

"Hmm."I got under the covers feeling Dashawn move his body closer to mines.

"I missed you baby." He kissed my shoulder rubbing on my waist.

"I missed you too." I continue to stare at the wall in front of me as I pulled more of the cover over me.

"I can't tell , turn over."He spoke as I felt the bed dip.

I turned over on my back looking as Dashawn hovered over me licking his lips. He took the covers off of me pushing both of my legs back.

"I was thinking about you just bouncing up and down on my dick as you moaned you love me."Dashawn lowered his face kissing my cheek.

"Really Dashawn."I plastered a smile on my face.

"Yeah , I want to please you."His voice got lower as he lifted up my shirt.

He slid his hand in my bra massaging one of my breast and stuck the other one in his mouth.

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