Chapter 23: Free Us!

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5 years later...


Me, Clarence, Ariana, Jazmine, and Dasia stood beside a bush we were hiding at. This was the day; the day we were going to escape. I sweated bullets as we all stared at Clarence holding the gun.

"This what I'm going to do... I'm going to shoot the security guards and when I do so I want y'all to take the fuck off and run to the car that's directly in front of the gate, the doors should be unlocked... I'm going to be right behind y'all...Y'all got the plan?."

"I can't run that fast."Ariana spoke shaking her head.

"If you want to get out this whore house you'll run as fast as you can."Clarence spoke as we all agreed.

"Ok.. one... two..three." He counted. I grabbed Dasia hand and we all took off immediately hearing gun shots go off.

I began to loose my breathe as we got closer to the car. I looked back seeing Ariana a few feet behind us.

"Ariana bring yo ass on."I whispered loudly so she could hear me.

She caught up to us and we all rushed inside the car closing the doors. I was nervous more so scared we were going to get caught.

"Y'all okay?."I asked hearing their loud breathes.

"I'm too motherfucking fat, I almost tripped over my damn leg."Ariana spoke causing all of us to laugh.

I opened the drivers door seeing Clarence run towards the car in full speed. He quickly got in and shut the door speeding down the street. I guess you could say this was the best day of my life. I felt free again.

"Y'all hungry?."Clarence asked us.

"Yes."We all spoke at once.

"What y'all want?."He asked.

My mind began to wonder. What's our plan next? We're where we going to stay? How was I going to find Dashawn? Where was my Daddy at?

I looked at the clock which read 1:32am. God knows I was tired and all I wanted to do was to get back to how everything was before. I looked out the window then at Clarence becoming anxious. I wanted him to dick me down until I felt better.

"Ok, Wendy's it is."He spoke catching me staring at him. I gave him 'The Look' he caught on a few seconds later nodding.

"Um that was interesting."Jazmine spoke as I smiled shaking my head.

"Very."Ariana mumbled.

"I'm so lost."Dasia spoke looking at all of us for a answer.

"Girl stay that way."Jazmine spoke and looked at me in disgust as I laughed.

Clarence pulled up to Wendy's and got the food we wanted minutes later he was taking us to his place. It was very silent besides hearing us chew our food and balling up trash. I patiently waited; I just wanted Clarence to fuck me rough until I can't feel my body afterwards.

He pulled into the driveway of a big house. Parking the car he came to my side opening the car door I thanked him and waited until he walked up to the door first. I let everybody else go first into and closed the door.

"Sleep where you want I really don't care."He spoke shrugging then grabbing my hand taking me somewhere I was guessing his bedroom. He stopped in front of a door. I was more then horny; most like I couldn't control myself. He opened the door then closed it after both of us was in.

"Get yo ass on the bed."He spoke aggressively I turned around walking towards the bed with the widest smile on my face.

I sat on the bed admiring him as he slid off his clothes.

"Take yo shit off and put yo hair in a low ponytail."I did so taking all my clothes off. I ran my fingers through my hair putting it into a ponytail like he said.

I looked him up and down...He was butt naked 'We was gone have sex sex' I thought to myself. He grabbed the remote to the television and turned it on and music began to play loudly. He walked over to the light switches turning them off but leaving one on it was now dim.

"You good?."He turned to look at me while he was digging in his closet, I nodded.

He walked towards me with sum red fuzzy handcuffs my eyes got big.

"Y-You want to use those?." I asked as he smirked gracefully.

"Yeah, why not? It'll be fun."He shrugged.

I was a little nervous I mean I never used handcuffs it was very new and different. I wondered how fun could this be.

"Lay back." I did so as he walked in between my legs pushing them back then kissing me. The touch from his body always made me excited.

His fingers glided on my pussy I jumped. Looking into his eyes as he laughed. He looked down and so did I. He rubbed hisself up and down before sliding hisself into me I moaned feeling him in my guts.

"Mhmmm right there." I moaned loudly.

He grabbed my throat with one hand and repeatedly hit my spot. He moaned with me. His dick was so good it was like I couldn't get enough of it.

"Ouuu girl."He moaned pulling out then releasing hisself on my stomach.

"Turn over, face down ass up." I rolled over weakly propping myself and doing what he told me to do. He began to slid into me.

"Wait wait."I spoke out of breathe. I grabbed his dick myself and slowly slided him into me. As soon as I did that he went wild with.

"Uh uh uhhhh." I moaned feeling myself about to cum my legs shook. I felt my being pulled back and my throat being grabbed on.

Tears rolled down my face in pleasure.

"C-Clarence your too deep."I moaned looking into his eyes.

"Girl hush up...Who's pussy is this?."He moaned lowly biting his lip.

"Baby it's yours..."He pounded into my guts.

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Ik it's short🤦🏾‍♀️ I just wanted to update.

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