Chapter 13: Birthday Girl

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Today was Karin's birthday and I had everything planned for her. Me and her father met up a few times to discuss how everything was going down.
This was suppose to be a big house party filled with people like family , friends , and a few strippers.

I wanted this to be perfect for her; So to start her day off I was making her some breakfast which I had Dasia help me make because a nigga don't barely know how to cook ; I just made some pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, and hash browns. After I made her food I had Jazmine go up to her room and hand it to her.

Seconds later all I heard was screaming in joy which made me smile to myself.

"Babeee you got Jazmine here for me?!."I heard them both come down the stairs.

"Yes bae you said you wanted her here for your birthday." I looked at her she ran towards me giving me a hug.

"Thank you."I kissed her lips squeezing on her ass hearing Jazmine mumble something under her breathe.

"That's my bitch now get the fuck away from her."Jazmine rolled her eyes snatching her away from me.

"Karin you better tell her who daddy is."I smirked looking at Karin as she blushed.

"I'm her Daddy."She stick her middle finger up at me.

"You have a photo shoot at one so eat your breakfast and we'll take you and don't worry everything is paid for the hair, makeup, nails , and all that good stuff baby."I spoke as the smile on her face got wider.

"Aww baby."She smirked I waved her off seeing her turn on her tippy toes walking back up to the room with Jazmine.

A hour later we was all ready to drop Karin off. Karin came downstairs with no make up on and her natural hair in a ponytail.

"You look fine just like that baby."I told her kissing her forehead.

"I look terrible so let's go." I nodded holding the door as all of them walked out the house, afterwards I locked the house door.


"Ouu okay girl you looking smexy."Jazmine told me making me smile.

"Thanks boo."I kissed her cheek lightly to make sure I ain't mess up my lipstick.

I watched as my photographer walk towards me and Jazmine with a friendly smile.

"Are you guys ready?."She asked.

"Yea."I spoke getting up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Ok I'm just going to take some photos of Karin right now...I want you to stand in the middle of the balloons...Have fun! Your husband told me your going to have the best birthday."She smiled at me nodding.

"Husband?."I asked myself quietly hearing Jazmine giggle.

"Yes husband, now let's get started."I nodded and began posing ; just casual poses nothing that was too much.

"Ok, now Ima have you lay on the floor in between the balloons , I want your legs open like this."She showed me moving my legs when I sat on the floor.

"I need that nice smile you have creative play with the balloons and all of that."She said as I nodded looking down at the balloons around me.

After the photo shoot was done me and Jazmine was told to pick a outfit from a designer that was on a rack ; which me and Jazmine did.

I later called Dashawn to pick us up. I got into the passenger seat looking at Dashawn as he had this creepy looking smile on his face , I soon looked at Jazmine and she had a weird looking smile too.

"Why y'all looking like that?."I asked as Dashawn took a glance at me.

"I'm taking you to get your hair done again & nails that was just for the photos...I need you to get real sexy."He nodded his head.

"So why are you smiling Jazmine?."I asked looking at her.

"No reason babe."She kissed my cheek as I looked at them both just shrugging my shoulders.

Minutes later Dashawn pulled up to a hair salon and parked the car. I noticed it was a lot of women hair today which made me sigh ; I didn't really feel like waiting here all day.

Dashawn grabbed my hand walking me into the salon with Jazmine in front of us. He went to the desk as I stayed back behind I watched as he was talking to her and pointed back at me and Jazmine.

"C'mon ladies."The young lady spoke looking at us.

Me and Jazmine followed her to the back. It was a average sized room , their were two stylist back there having a conversation. I looked around the room noticing it was a different color from the rest of the shop which was Pink and White.

"Here go your one thirty appointments."The lady spoke and left out the room.

"Sit right here."The stylist pat the chair making me go over to the seat and sit down as I watched Jazmine do the same.

The young looking lady wrapped the black cape around me and began to do my hair as I watched Dashawn stare at me from a distance.

"What you looking at?."I asked as he shrugged.

"I can't stare at you?."He asked making me shrug back.

"You gone sit here the whole time?."I asked.

"Yeah, why not? These stylist know how to move fastly."I watched as he nodded looking at the time on his phone.

"Hell yeah I can't be slow that just slows down the money."She spoke truly as the other stylist agreed with her.

"See."Dashawn spoke with a smile.

A hour and some minutes later me and Jazmine hair was done I thanked my stylist and Dashawn multiple times since she did such a great job and Dashawn picked this style for me.

"I feel so sexy."Jazmine spoke as she looked in her camera taking some selfies.

"So extra."Dashawn spoke.

"Shut your black ass up."Jazmine fussed back putting her camera in my face so we could take some pictures.

"I look good."I smiled in the camera.

"You done got her started conceded."Dashawn shook his head as we headed to the nail salon.

I shrugged my shoulders as Dashawn held the door open letting it close on Jazmine on purpose.

"Asshole."Jazmine mumbled making me laugh a little.

"Anyways, I have two appointments for Karin and Jazmine."Dashawn told the old lady at the desk we all looked as she looked down at a notepad.

"Yes , come come."She spoke showing us wear to sit.

I sat down glancing at Dashawn , he was staring at this pretty young brown skin girl which made me become a little jealous.

"Dashawn."I yelled only so he could hear me , he looked at me walking towards me.

"Wassup bae?."He asked looking at my nails as j did the same.

"Why you staring at the girl over there?."I asked hoping he ain't lie about a simple question.

"That's my ex she put me through a lot of shit and I told her if I ever seen her again I was gone kill her and that's on my mama."He spoke as I heard anger lingering in his voice.


This is a so what boring chapter but I promise next chapter is going to be allat🙂🙂🙂

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