Chapter 2:Slow Down

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It was Friday and I decided I was going to school late today I was tired from all the crying I did last night and I honestly didn't want to be bothered.

I got up from my behind stretching my body was also aching , I walked out my room going to the kitchen and made me a bowl of cereal when I was done I grabbed my bowl noticing mom wasn't on the couch I sighed.

I walked to her room and she wasn't in there either I shrugged going into my room sitting down, when my mom leaves she comes back in a week so I wasn't worried.

My phone started going on off I grabbed it off my bed seeing my dad trying to Facetime I answered looking at him as he jumped back seeing him have a angry facial expression I took my face out the camera.

"Who did that? Yo mama or one of her boyfriends?."He asked.

"Mama."I mumbled.

"Don't do that mumbling shit."I nodded eating my cereal.

"How many days we have left?."I asked smiling causing pain in my face.

"Thirty six."We said at the same time.

"Why you ain't in school?."He asked.

"I was going a little late today."I gave him the the peace sign hanging up.

I finished eating leaving the bowl on my bed and started doing my hygiene after I was done I slid on my outfit which was a brown crop top and skirt throwing a camouflage jacket over it.

Lastly doing my hair I parted it putting two buns in it, I grabbed my bookbag and purse leaving the house.


I was finally in class I was annoyed with all the thirsty ass boys obviously if I wanted them I would've asked them to be mine but I didn't.

"Damn her ass fat, looking like a damn cushion."A boy commented behind me.

"Thanks, you wanna touch?."I asked smiling his eyes lit up.

"Hell yeah."He bit his lip about to touch my ass I smacked his hand laughing.

"Hell nah."I giggled as his homeboys laughed at him he sucked his teeth rolling his eyes.

The bell rung as everyone rushed out the class I grabbed my things walking out the classroom.

"Aye!."I felt someone touch my shoulder I turned around seeing the same boy.

"Yesss."I arched my eyebrow.

"You cool and funny as fuck I wanted to know can I have yo number."He placed a goofy smile on his face as I stood against the lockers.

"I have a boyfriend."I spoke he sucked his teeth.

"I can't be yo friend?."He asked.

"You can."He handed me his phone I put my number in it as he tried to give me a hug.

"What you doing?."I asked him.

"Girl stop playing with me and give me a hug."I laughed as he gave me one.

"Talk to you later."I nodded as he walked away.

I put my stuff in my locker going to the lunch room I walked in looking for Willie once I found him I saw that he was looking at a girl ass licking his lips.

I walked over to him sitting down I didn't say nothing as he just looked at me.

"Why you wearing all that damn makeup?."He asked me I rolled my eyes seeing Jazmine look at me she frowned because she knew why I was wearing this makeup.

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