Chapter 3: Recognize

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I felt tapping on my shoulder waking me up from my sleep I tossed and turned realising I had a terrible headache.

"Lil mama wake up."I heard a raspy voice speak making me open my eyes and jump.

"Who are you?."I jumped out the bed pulling down my skirt.

"You don't remember me?"He asked licking his lips as he looked me up and down.

"No I don't recognize you at all."I hung my head low.

"Pick ya head up, and don't worry I ain't going to put you in danger, your friend Jazmine told me to take you here."I lifted my head squinting my eyes at him.

"She knows you?"I asked.

"Yeah, I'm her step brother."He spoke I nodded.

"Can you take me home please?."I asked he nodded.

While he was taking me home we were having a simple conversation about what happened last night which made me shocked.

He took me home I thanked him and went inside the house.

I walked straight to the bathroom taking my makeup off my face was still busted and bruised badly.

I took me a shower then went to my room to lay down I was exhausted and didn't want to move my body.

My phone all of sudden began to ring I realised it was the boy I gave my number to at school I answered making a face.

"Hello."I spoke.

"Wassup Karin."He sounded like he was high off his ass.

"What you call for?."I sighed.

"Damn the fucking attitude...But I wanted to go to the movies with you since all my niggas busy."He sounded like he was smiling.

"Yeah, what movie you trying to see Dashawn?."I asked.

"How about that new Tupac movie?."He asked.


"Send me your address and I'll pick you up beautiful."He spoke.

"Mhm bye."I hung up.

I sent him my address and began getting ready I walked over to my closet putting on a dress and I also did my makeup.

Once Dashawn got here we went towards the movie theater while talking.

"Who you trying to look good for?."He smirked making me suck my teeth.

"Not you nigga."I laughed as he mugged me.

"Girl don't start with me."He spoke I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ight, but why you high early in the day?."I asked as we stopped at the red light.

"I was thinking."He spoke lowly.

"You good?."I asked he nodded looking at me.

He touched my face making me jump back in pain.

"Damn I'm sorry I was trying to get something off your face lil lady."I sighed as he began driving again.

"Ok."I spoke.

"Why was you in pain just from a little touch?."He asked me.

"I don't know."He gave me a look before looking forward.

We were finally at the movie theater but right now we were in line getting snacks I picked up all the candy accidentally dropping one I bent down picking it up.

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