Chapter 4

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I squinted my eyes when I felt the sunlight coming throw the curtains of my bedroom. The sun was so bright that it seems like it was blinding me. Laying on my side, I reached around for my phone, with how bright it was outside I knew it had to be at least 10 or 11 am.

3:35 pm

What the hell, I can't believe I slept that long. Since I have had kids I don't think I ever slept in pass 10 especially on the weekend since they be home all day.

Getting up slowly, it felt like a ton of bricks was thrown at my head by how badly it hurt. I hate hangovers and I didn't even drink that much to even have one. I guess with me not drinking for six months, my body wasn't used to it.

I finally found the strength to get out the bed and go to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water in the shower, then walked over to my cabinet to get two aspirins. Hopefully this will knock my hangover right out. I took the pills then put my hair into a bun and hop into the shower. The steamy water felt fantastic over my body.

Putting on my matching Victoria secret red bra and panties, I threw on my robe and tied it up. I wasn't going to put clothes on yet because truthfully, I wasn't in the mood to wear any. It was Sunday so I didn't have plans to do anything but chill with my family.

Speaking of family, it was oddly too quiet in my household. I didn't hear Lexi blasting her music, Blue running around the house bothering her sister or running to me and Shawn to tell on Lexi about whatever she was doing. And I didn't hear my baby Sage crying or talking in his baby language.

Hell, I didn't even hear Shawn loud ass anywhere either. He's usually the one to wake me up with either morning sex or watching his TV shows.

Walking downstairs, I still didn't hear them or even see them. I wasn't worried but I was a bit upset because I wanted to wake up to my babies.

"Nigga, what type of bullshit pass was that!" Let me scratch that, I hear Shawn loud ass after all. "Nigga, you're acting like you don't know how to fucking play 2k."

I should have known he was in his man cave which is also the game room for the kids.

He was still fussing at whomever he was playing with as I crept farther into the room. He didn't see me nor did he hear me come in. He was too focus on winning against the opposite team.

"This is where you been huh?" I asked when I sat down next to him. He gave me a double looked but focused his attention back on to the screen.

"Hey, baby you finally woke up. I was getting a bit worried."

I rolled my eyes, "You can't be that worried if you sitting here playing the game. You let me sleep pass 10."

He didn't say anything for the next 5 minutes. It was the end of the fourth quarter and I'm guessing he wanted to have all the concertation that he could get to win. When the game was over he turned it off and pulled me into his lap.

"You the one who wanted to go out and get drunk and shit. So, don't blame me for you sleeping that long. And who told your ass to get high, who you were smoking with."

"I'm grown so I can do what I want without question."

He leaned back on the couch and rubbed the little chin hair he had, "You're grown huh? Don't let that grown shit get you in trouble baby."

Again, I rolled my eyes and moved off him, "Anyways, where are my kids. I don't hear them so I know they not here."

"I shipped them off somewhere. They were working my nerves." I hit his arm and he laughed "I'm just kidding baby, they're at your mom's place. I knew you were going to be hungover so I thought it was best to give you some peace and quiet and drop them off. Plus, your mom wanted them anyways so it was a win/win for the both of us."

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