Chapter 6

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"Look at how big you gotten!" My grandmother exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you too grandma" she let me go and began to put a big kiss on my cheek. I swear she was doing a bit too much for me.

"Lexi, I missed you so much. You haven gotten so tall, your hair is longer and you even have breasts now." She tried to touch my breasts but I took a step back so that she couldn't.

I kind of looked at my mother and gave her an expression that read, help me. All she did was laugh and stayed quiet until my grandmother addressed her.

"Well hello Beyoncé. I almost forget you was here."

"Hi to you, as well Caroline." My mother and grandmother don't get along at all. My mother claims it has to do with her divorcing my father for "no reason."

"Where's my dad. I text him and he told me he was here." I said trying to distracted the ladies from trying to throw any shade towards each other.

My grandmother focused her attention back on me and smiled, "He's upstairs getting dressed. He should be coming down any minute."

I nodded my head and walked over to the couch to sit down. My mother continued to stand, I knew she felt uncomfortable being here.

My grandmother came right over and sat next to me. "So, tell me Lexi how has high school been treating you? Have you join any clubs yet?"

"It's been going good, I'm actually enjoying being in a different atmosphere. But as far as clubs nothing has caught my attention."

"You should be like your grandma, and join the cheerleading team. I enjoyed it so much and met a lot of girls that I have remained friends with."

"Lexi should just enjoy her first year of high school. Clubs and after school activities can come later." My mother said what I was thinking.

"Beyoncé, darling I was clearly talking to my grandchild. I didn't need your opinion on anything."

"Your grandchild is my child, so I can say whatever it is when it's concerning her."

I knew this was going to get ugly so I quickly interfere, "Mom, grandma, can we please not do this especially not this weekend." Both gave each other a look then rolled their eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, you're right." My mother said, "But as long as I feel like I'm being disrespected, I will be disrespectful." I knew she was directing that to my grandmother. All I could do was shake my head and pray my father came downstairs soon.

"Is that my princess?" I heard my father say. With a smile on my face, I got up and walked to him. I haven't seen my father in the past few months so to be in his embraced felt amazing.

"Hi dad!" we hugged for a few more seconds then let each other go.

"God, you're getting so big. I can't believe I have a teenager on my hands."

"That's what I said to her." My grandmother said smiling, "Now Kenneth isn't Lexi beginning to look like you. I was getting worried our genes weren't going to kick in."

I don't know what she meant by that, but I was kind of offended on my mother behave. Was she trying to say at one point they weren't sure if my dad was actually my dad?

My father didn't answer her, he just looked over my shoulder and smiled when he saw my mother. I know he still has a thing for my mom so I'm sure seeing her without Shawn being on her side, is making him the happiest man ever.

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