Chapter 35

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"Why in the hell do you think it is okay to talk and treat your daughter any kind of way!!" I, all but yelled at Kenneth. All he did was blow his breath and shook his head.

"I can give two fucks that I'm making you mad. I'm the one who should be pissed the fuck off. I had to go out my way and drive three fucking hours to come pick up MY DAUGHTHER, because her shitty ass father wants to disrespect her."

When Lexi called me at first, I thought she was going to complain to me about her morning sickness. That's what she's been doing since it started but when I heard her sniffles I knew something else was up. As soon as she asked me to come pick her up, I knew her and Kenneth had exchange a few choices of words. I immediately told Shawn that we had to go to Dallas and pick her up. I wouldn't dare let my baby stay in that type of environment.

Kenneth and I have been going back and forth for the past twenty minutes. Shawn and Lexi are in the car waiting for me. I thought I was just going to pick my baby girl up and go home, but once she told me everything he said, I couldn't just leave without cursing him out.

"Beyoncé, are you really going to sit here and defend Lexi as if she hasn't done anything wrong. For God sake, the girl is pregnant." He said trying to put my focus on her.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you think I dealt with her? But this isn't about Lexi and her pregnancy. This is about you down talking your daughter as if she's a stranger off the street."

"I just don't understand how you can be okay with her being pregnant. She's only 15 Bey! Why didn't you make her get an abortion? Now everyone is going to judge us as parents and say we didn't raise our daughter the right way."

"Are you fucking serious right now?! You so worried about what people say about us as parents when truthfully Lexi will be the one who has to deal with the stares and comments. You need to stop being a selfish bastard and step the fuck up. This is when our daughter needs us the most but instead you rather tell her that she's ruining her life and is an embarrassment to the family."

"Oh, and I didn't forget about Lexi telling me about Kelly being a smart ass. I have told you many of times to put your bitch in her place. I done put my hands on her twice to let her know I am not to be fucked with. Will the third time I beat her ass make her understand that?"

Kenneth put his hands in his pockets and shook his head, "First she gets alcohol poisoning under your watch, then she has sex under your watch and now she's pregnant under your watch. You're questioning me as a parent when truthfully, I should be the one pointing fingers and yelling at you. Our daughter is on the path of self destruction and it is all thanks to you."

I had to chuckle at this man, he is so damn sad. I never thought he would ever turn out to be like this. "You are one sad pathetic ass son of a bitch and I hope you burn in hell for all the pain you have caused Lexi."

He scrunched up his face "What the hell you just say to me?" He said while taking his hands out of his pockets. He took a step forward as if he was going to do something to me.

"You heard what I said. No need to repeat it."

"You better watch who you're talking to." He said while raising his hand.

"Yo, you got the right fucking one. So, if you got any sense you're put your damn hand down play boy." I heard Shawn say. Kenneth looked over my shoulder to see Shawn walking up to where we were standing.

"I didn't invite you to step foot on my front porch." Kenneth said trying to sound tough. I just rolled my eyes because I could hear it in his voice how scared he was.

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