Chapter 30

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2 months Later

Over the last two months things have been terrible for me at home. My mom has been giving me the silent treatment, just like she did when I had gotten alcohol poisoning. I honestly rather for her to beat my ass again then not talk to me. Having your parent ignore you is the worse. It's shows how much you disappointed them.

Shawn still talks to me but I could tell I let him down as well. I felt myself about to cry when he told me that I knew better and I should have done better. I was at first angry with my mother for telling him what I did, but I should have known she was going to run her mouth. Parents always have to tell everybody the stupid things you have done. It's like they enjoy gossiping about your fuck ups.

My dad out of everybody is the only person who has been on my side. I couldn't believe how things went down between him and my mom. Yea, I know they don't get along but still, that's the first time my mom has ever hit my dad. She admitted that in the car, but she said she don't regret doing it. According to her, that slap was long overdue. She said she was tired of his disrespect and lies. I don't know what was all said but I'm sure it was outline. My mother wouldn't have slapped him if it wasn't.

But anyways, like I was saying, my dad has been calling me almost every day checking up on me. He even asked me if it would best if I come out there and stay with him for a while. You know live with him and go to school out there. I won't lie I thought about it, but I quickly turned that down when I realize the only reason my mother and Shawn is so frustrated and angry with me is because I keep fucking up. I'm the one who is making these dumb decisions so I have no right to be upset with how they are punishing me.

I deserve getting my ass beat, the silent treatment, and whatever else.

I'm just grateful I haven't been kicked out yet. I remember watching this lifetime movie, where this teenage girl kept on being disrespectful to her mother and doing things she shouldn't be doing. Her mother kicked her out because she couldn't deal with the disrespect any longer and everything went downhill for the girl. Of course, she ended up getting a happy ending at the end of the movie, but who's to say I would have had the same?

That's why for the last two months I have been on my best behavior. I want my parents to see that I am no longer acting stupid and immature. I go to school, come home, do my homework, wash the dishes, and cleaned up the kitchen, do laundry and everything else. Yes, I should have been doing this, but hey it took me to getting my heart broken to realize that I am still a little girl that needs to remain in a child's place.

Speaking of getting my heart broken, I haven't spoken to Michael or even Jessica about what I saw on snapchat. I wanted to ask the both of them why they play me like that, but what would be the point. I didn't want to hear their sarcastic answers and I didn't want Michael to make it seem like I was being some delusional freshman. I know he liked me as much as I liked him. All he had to say though in the beginning was that he was only looking for a girl to have sex with and my common sense would have immediately kicked in and let him know I wasn't the girl he was looking for.

But he had me thinking we were something when we really weren't and now I gave him something I can't take back. Michael Porter will always have it over my head that he was my first and my dumb self allowed him to have that title.

Me and my stupid decisions. If only I can go back in time and change the day I met him. I wish I would have kept our relationship at hello.

Anyways enough sad stuff, I need something to help me cheer up and planning for my 15th birthday might help to put a smile on my face. I know I'm only turning 15 but it's still another day to be happy about and celebrate.

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