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Jack POV

How was I falling for a girl I had just met today? I was driving her to go buy some things from the store and I kept looking over at her. She was singing along to the radio and she looked so beautiful. We got to the store and I hopped out of her car and went and opened the car door for her.

"Here you go gorgeous"

She blushed and got out of the car. She bought what she needed and we drove back. I walked her to her front door and told her I'd see her tomorrow.

Time jump (a few weeks later)

I'd known Gray for a couple of weeks now and I realized how much I really wanted to ask her out. She had a huge test this week for music and I didn't want to stress her out anymore so I decided to wait until next week.

She had to compose a song on piano and perform in front of the whole class for a grade. She was going to do great. I could tell she was really nervous whenever we were walking home. She kept tapping her fingers against her legs and I've noticed she only only does that when she gets nervous.

"What if I mess up?"

"You won't mess up gray, I believe in you"

"But what if I do"

"You won't. I promise"

"Let's just say I do, then what? I'll have made a fool of myself in front of everybody!"

"Well, I don't think you will, but if you do, then I'll stand up in front of everybody and sing Taylor swift in a high pitched voice with my shirt tied up like a girls"

She laughed and I knew I had calmed her down a little. We got to our houses and she said goodbye as she walked into hers. I walked up to my room and started singing something random. I could hear Grayson practicing on the grand piano in their front room. It was cool this time of year in LA and they kept their windows open most of the time. I heard her sigh and slam her hands down on the keyboard. I wish I could find a way to make her feel better.

After a while she came out and sat on the chair on her balcony. She was doing homework and I didn't want to bother her. I hung out with the boys downstairs for a bit then went back upstairs. She was now sitting down on the ground with her feet through the railings. She noticed me walk into my room and she stood up.

"Hey jacky"

"Sup buttercup"

She laughed and I walked into my balcony. She put her head down and started messing with the hem of her shorts.

"I'm gonna fail I just know it"

"You're not gonna fail. You're going to do better than everybody in the class. Including me.

"That's not true jack, I'm gonna do-"

I leaned over and cut her off with a kiss. I put my hands on the side of her face and just kissed her for a minute. I wish she was mine. There was a knock on her door and she heard her mom's voice. She quickly broke away and ran into her room. I went back into mine and I could hear her talking to her mom.

She texted me as soon as her mom left and we talked for a bit.

G- so, about that kiss Avery

J -i think that was the best thing I've done since I've met you

G- oh really?

J- absolutely, "no regerts"

G- I don't regret it either

J- well in that case, Ig I'll do it more often

G- haha okay

J- I'm being fr 😂

G- sureee jack

J- just watch me do it again.

G- I'll be waiting then

J- I would do it right now but it's dark and I don't feel like falling over the railing. Also my bed is comfortable

G- I wouldn't want you to die

J- I wouldn't want me to die either, nice to know you care

G- woah woah, I never said I cared

J- smh Grayson London Black

G- don't smh me

J- smh

G- averyyy

J- smh

G- fine I'm going to bed then 😂

J- don't leave me

G- goodnight

J- expect a kiss from me tomorrow

G- we aren't even a thing jack

J- just wait

I had plans for asking her out. I was going to get her breakfast in the morning and the boys and I were gonna sing her a song that I wrote. She'd be mine tomorrow morning before school.

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