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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I started writing this 6 hours ago and I thought I published it and I was wondering why I wasn't getting any voted or comments but it turns out I never published it. I was watching riverdale at the same time lol. Also IT DELETED HALF MY FREAKING CHAPTER. This chapter was 100% different than what it is now. I just changed it completely because I had a great idea which involved Claire having a son but I published that and decided I hated it.

Grayson POV

I didn't want to climb over the balconys with my hand because it still hurt and I couldn't put pressure on it. Jack and I walked out of my front door and into his.

We walked in and I saw a tall girl with green eyes and brown hair. She had her arms crossed and she was sitting on the couch. She eyed both of us up and down before standing up. I was guessing this was Claire. She was really pretty and I wasn't even surprised.

"Where were you?"

"Why's that your business Claire?"

"Because I have things to do and I've been waiting"

"You can wait 10 more minutes, it won't kill you. "

"Actually I can't I have to do go and I have things to do. Please just hurry Jack I don't want to argue."

"Fine, I'll go grab the stuff"

Jack left and I was alone with Claire. She looked at me sourly. I wasn't going to start anything so I just picked at the hem of my shirt while Jack got whatever he needed to get. She walked out to her car and came back with a Jacket. She handed it to me and told me it was Jacks. He came back down with a baby pink jacket and handed it to her.

She pressed her lips together and walked out of the door.

Jack noticed my confused look and asked if we could talk. I agreed and we sat on the couch. He took my hand and turned towards me.

"We dated two years ago, we were both 16. We broke up and it was nasty for a while but we got over it and started talking again. We were kind of on and off with each other. One day she cheated on me with one of my old best friends and I decided I was done. Right there. I wasn't going back to her anymore. I didn't even want to look at her after that. About two months ago, we were at a party and I got really really drunk. We hooked up and I regretted it so much. As soon as it happened I wished it hadn't. I called her and told her the next day and she flipped. She agreed to forget about it if we would stay friends. I agreed, then you moved here. I was immediately drawn to you and I knew things would never work between Claire and I again. Not even as friends. I don't want to be friends with any girls, you're all I need. I told her that and she was mad about it for a while. She keeps trying to get back together and I told her she needed to pick up her jacket and bring me mine. She finally agreed and that's why she was here.

"Wow, that's a lot Jack. Are you sure you don't have any feelings for her?"

"I'm positive. You're the only girl I need in my life." He kissed my cheek and put his arm around me.

We talked for a bit and fell asleep watching a Netflix movie. I woke up to my alarm going off, telling me to get ready for school. I groaned and got off the couch and walked to my own house. I hope I wasn't in trouble or anything. My parents were in the kitchen and I told them how we fell asleep watching a movie. They surprisingly didn't mind.

I was in a good mood until it hit me. I couldn't play piano. I had stitches all down my hand. There was no way I could play piano and I was supposed to practice today.

My mom helped me get ready because I had gotten my stitches caught on my sweatshirt and almost tore one open. I ate breakfast and I texted Jack to see if he was ready. He said yes and we started walking to school with all the guys.

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