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Posting one out of three of the written chapters, just because you guys started voting more, keep voting and the other two will be published 💕

Grayson POV

Ever since I could remember, my dad left every month for two or three weeks. He was gone more than he was home. I always asked my mom about it and she just always told me it was business.

When my mom would tell me he was coming home, I would always draw him a picture of us together and give it to him as soon as he walked through the door. He always brought me a little gift when he came back. I hated to see him leave, but I loved when he came home. He was gone for weeks at a time. He always told me they were just business trips.

Until last year, I believed it. He's gone so much now it just isn't believable anymore. We rarely ever see him. I can see how much it crushes my mom to see him leave every few weeks. It's like she's broken when he's gone. I have a feeling that she thinks something else is going on too.

My parents use to be the perfect couple. They were high school sweethearts. They dated for 4 years and knew they were going to get married some day. They were the "it" couple. Everybody loved them. They stayed like this unless the "business trips" started. Things were fine at first, until I would hear them yelling late at night. My mom never believed it was just business. He always insisted it was.

I couldn't help but think about how this was breaking our family. He was leaving us every few weeks then coming back like it was nothing. I needed my dad in my life but he was never there. It was like these business trips were more important than his family. He missed so many of my performances because of these trips. I remember when I won first place in a dance competition last year. All he said was "good job".  My mom on the other hand, took me out to dinner to celebrate and we went shopping afterwards. My dance was a huge deal and he didn't even care.

(She can dance like Tessa brooks, like she's good man. If you haven't seen Tessa dance, then you need to go YouTube that. Imagine Grayson being that good)

My mom was always upset every time he left. He seemed fine as he walked out the door. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to that once perfect couple. It crushed my mom to see him leave, but it was like he didn't even care.

Cooking always made my mom feel better, and I could tell she was in a bad mood because of how much food she was cooking. She was basically cooking a full course meal. She ran out of something and asked if I would go to the store and grab it for her. I told her yes and Jonah asked to go with me. We got in my car and headed to the store.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off"


"You sure?"


"Tell me what's up then buttercup" Jonah was so sweet, his girlfriend was lucky to have such an amazing guy.

"I think my dad is cheating on my mom"

"What makes you think that?" I told him the whole story and he just sat and listened while I drove and talked. I told him about the late night fights, the business trips, the missed performances and everything that's happened since these stupid business trips started.

Jonah agrees that I should try and find out what's going on. It's not fair to my mom and I. We deserve to know the truth no matter how I have to find it. If he was going to lie and keep secrets, then I was going to invade his privacy and find out about all his lies and secrets. If he was cheating, I wasn't going to let him keep doing this to my mom. She didn't deserve it. All she ever did was try to make him happy.

We got to the store and I looked at the list my mom sent me. I tried to be quick because I was hungry but somehow we ended up at Starbucks. We quickly drank our drinks so the boys wouldn't find out and we wouldn't have to buy them some.

We skipped back to my car and drove home. I have my mom her stuff and I was about to start putting the extra groceries away whenever I heard Daniel challenge me to a talent show.

"You're on Seavey"

"You've got no talent anyway, this'll be easy miss London"

"No talent? What do you call 12 years of dance? 10 years of piano? 8 years of guitar? Oh and 12 years of singing lessons? Along with some sports."

"Dang girl. I didn't know you had all that in you"

"I've got lots of hidden talents"

"wait. I'm trying to do this math. You're 17 right?"


"So you've been doing dance and singing since you were 5, piano since 7, guitar since you were 9, and sports since god knows how long"

"Yeah that sounds about right Zach" they chuckled and we started our show. First category was singing. This was gonna be easy.

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