Chapter 17

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Hi guys! I hope you like author-san's story so far. Before Karasuno arrives, I'll be with Nekoma, meeting some old and new faces in the Tokyo getaway games. Let's go~!

The sun's rays were shining over the clouds. Morning was here, as the sky was turning bright blue. The building was quiet, and nothing disturbed its peace. At least, not for long. Inside a room, a person was sleeping soundly under the covers. Their hair was fanned out on the futon as their breath was in a rhythm. When the light shield through the window, it hit on the person's face. Slowly their eyes fluttered open. They sat up, tiredly looking around. 


They covered their mouth and rubbed the sleep from their eyes. Today was a big day. So the person quickly rolled up the futon, got dressed, and headed to the other room. Jogging down the hallway, they found the room and knocked on the door. 

"Its morning~!" They slid the door open. They saw the others still sleeping. 

"Come guys, time to get up~" 

"Mm~geez~~....five more minutes, Hinata-san...zzzz..." 

"Oh, come on...." Yup. Hinata Mizuki, was trying to wake up the Nekoma boys. 

"Heh~...if that's how you want it, I guess you don't want me making breakfast~..." She glanced at them, and some immediately shot out of bed.

"Senpai?! You're making the food?!" Of course, Yamamoto was more excited than the rest. 

"Uh...pfft--!" The girl turned around and tried to hold her laughter in. That's when Yamamoto realized he had boxer shorts on. His face turned red. 

"Hurry up and change," she giggled, "I'll set up in the mess hall. Oh, and--nice hairdo...rooster-head." The third-year patted his hair. 

An hour later, everyone came into the economics room. Mizuki finished the rice, and set up different kinds of meals on the table. 

"It looks yummy~" Lev beamed. Yaku slapped his hand away.

"Wait until she's done." Mizuki put the bowls, chopsticks and other utensils not the side. 

"Alright guys. Dig in."

"Itadakimasu~!" The boys ate their meals. Coach Nekomata, Naoi and Shotarou were walking in. 

"Oh, hello Neko-okksan, Manabu, Shotarou-sensei. I made breakfast."

"Thank you, Mizuki." 

"Mizuki! Sit next to us." Kuroo waved her over. She sat across from him and Yaku on the edge of the table. 

"Today's the day, right?" 


"So who's coming?" 

"Other than Karasuno, there's three other shools...Ubagawa High...Shinzen High...and of course, Fukurodani High." 

"The first thing we do," Kuroo informed, "is our warm-ups...then we'll regroup and the teams will play each other in rotation. The team who loses their set, does a penalty lap of diving drills around the court." 

"I see," she nodded. 

"You'll be switching from team to team," Shotarou bellowed, "we need to test your game sense." She nodded.  

'I'm so excited...' she smiled. 

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