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Two months later

A newspaper was slammed on the table in front of Virat who was on his phone. His representatives were sitting all around the table, just looking at him. He finally looked up and stares at the people.

"This behavior is unacceptable!" Arun Mahajan, head of BCCI spoke out. "Abusing fellow cricketers is not the way if you get out."

"It was in the heat of the moment!" Virat spoke, glued to his phone.

"So the last twelve times were also the heat of the moment?" He spoke, frustrated. "Listen, if you don't rectify your attitude, we're going to have no option but to ban you for the next series."

"What?" Virat spoke. He looked up at Arun with fury in his eyes. "You can't do that, I'm the fucking captain!"

"We can and we will." He spoke out.

"Look, it's for your own image!" Libby spoke out from the other end. Being Virat's manager, she had seen the aftereffects of Anushka leaving. She pitied the man but he was harming his future at this point.

"Fuck my image." He said.

"No, we can't fuck your image. You are the face of Indian cricket, you are the hope for many future cricketers. If you behave like this, we will have no choice but to ban you." Arun said and then gestured the others to leave the room. He motioned Libby to stay back.

"Look, I get that Anushka leaving you was hard. It's impossible to get over the person who you love, I get it but -"

"How do you know what's it like to see the love of your life walk out of your life?" Virat looked up at the both of them. "I've been calling her, knocking her door. She never answers anything, not even the voice mails that I leave her! I don't even know where the fuck she is because Rohit won't let me search her on the Internet! I'm dead without her, I'm dead." He said, keeping his head on the table.

"You're right, we don't know what it's like. We never do." Libby said, keeping one hand on his shoulder. "If you don't open up, tell us what to do to help you, we can't. Please, Virat. Tell us what will make you better!"

"Leave me alone, let me do my thing." Virat looked up with red eyes. "Just give me a chance, if I make front page again, you can do whatever you want. Ban me even.

"Okay." Arun breathed out, looking at Libby. "One chance, Virat."

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