δώδεκα - twelve

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"No, absolutely not!" Virat was the first one out of his chair, vehemently opposing. "I can't handle this.. this animal!"

"Oh, hello? Mr. I'm bigger than everyone else. Who the fuck are you calling an animal? You're the bigger animal, screaming at people for no bloody reason!" Pihu shouts back at him and then looks at Arun and Libby, who are looking on shell shocked.

"Sir, Ma'am I decline the awful proposition, respectfully. I don't want to be his pretend boyfriend." She said, softly.

"Virat, Pihu. Sit down." Arun finally took control. "Libby, I like your idea."

"But sir!"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

"Virat, it's either this, or a six month ban." Arun starts, making Virat look at him indignantly. "You said it yourself." He said, as he saw Virat opening his mouth. "One more picture and I can do anything." Virat sat back down like a petulant child.

"Sir, I don't work for BCCI. You cannot make me do this." Pihu argued back.

"With all due respect, Miss. Ahuja. For now, you do and don't forget, you still need my recommendation for the ICC." He smirked, as she sighed. "If I were you, I would take the job. Don't worry about the time, I'll take to your supervisor. What's her name?"

"Shaw, Amanda Shaw." She grumbled out. "Please, sir."

"I'm sorry." Arun said, making her hand her head miserably.

"What do I have to do?" Pihu asked after a moment of silence, making Virat look at her with surprise.

"Wait, you're actually agreeing to this stupidity?"

"Well, I need my recommendation, sir." She said, with venom in her voice. "Unlike you, I can't afford a mishap."

"If I hadn't saved you, you wouldn't have been alive right now." He retorted back.

"Well, you could've used your brains to get us out from the back door." She said, biting her lip out of frustration.

"Well, if you hadn't been so drunk -" Virat started, only to be shot down by Libby.

"You're right, both of you. Please listen to us." Libby said. "You will pretend date for about three to four months, give or take, okay? As soon as the news is old school, you go to Dubai." She said, pointing to Pihu.

"Okay." She nodded. "What about CT?"

"What about it?" Virat frowned and looked at her.

"Do I still manage CT?" Pihu asked, while Virat groaned.

"Yes, you'll be going with him to England. You're officially the Tour Manager now." Arun said. "That wouldn't be a problem, would it, Virat?"

"No, sir." He nodded.

"Great, get out then. I'll draw up the contract." Arun nodded and the two of them left the room.

"Great going, chudail." Virat snapped at her.

"Okay fine, my name's not chudail, it's Pihu." She retorted back.

"Chudail." He said, smirking at her.

"Apni shakal dekhi hai, bloody bandar." Pihu said, smirking back at him.

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