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Bonus Chapter 1

"I want sunflowers!" Gayatri's three year old spoke out, making others laugh.

"Baby, let's settle with roses." Gayatri tried to reason with her daughter but to no avail.

"Masi, tell mummy!" She pulled on Pihu's dress, making the latter laugh and pick Roshni up.

It was Christmas afternoon and the entire family had would up at Gayatri's place, to spend lunch with her. She, being three months pregnant had become extremely lazy (more so than normal) and had hence used that excuse to host Christmas lunch at her place.

"Ma, the correct question would be, when is Virat proposing to Pihu?" Gayatri retorted, making all the occupants of the room laugh.

"Aare, you leave the two alone. They're taking their own sweet time to build up to the moment - unlike us here." Ishaan laughed, holding Gayatri close.

They had a one night stand when they had first met and when Gayatri had got pregnant, they got married. Thus making sure that Roshni would get both parents. Plus, they had fallen in love along the way as well.

Ma and papa were bickering in the kitchen - debating on which cutlery that they had to serve it on. Gayu had left everything to them after they had insisted.

"Vee, look. Imagine if we had snow here." I wondered, looking outside the window. We had curled up on the one  seater beside the window and I was curled up on him - though he didn't seem to mind it.

"You're imagining us in New York, aren't you?" He said, nuzzling his head on my shoulder. It tickled, a lot.

"I can't help it, it was beautiful! My favourite part were the huge Christmas trees at Rocker feller Centre, that was amazing." I beamed at him, making him chuckle.

"Lunch guys, come on!"


"I'm so tired." I yawned as I sat down on our sofa. We had moved in together a year into our relationship and we're still living in the honeymoon stage, as Hazel told me.

"We have to put in some decorations." Virat nudged me.

"Baby, Christmas is going to be over in three hours, isn't it too early for this?" I laughed at him, while he just looked at me, narrowing his eyes.

"Just go." He pushed me off the sofa, making me stumble and then glare at him.

I took out the baubles from the packet near the tree and started putting them up one by one, quickly getting to the last one. As I began hanging it, it was quite heavy.

I stopped and turned to him.

"It's really heavy." I said, putting the bauble on my palm.

"Maybe there's something inside it." Virat replied, smiling at me.

"Vee, you didn't. This has you written all over it." I laughed as I sat back next to him, cuddling up to him.

I shook the bauble, finding a seam run through the seams. I opened it after a few tries.

Oh my God.

It was a ring.

My eyes started watering as Vee took the box and kneeled in front of me, smiling as I cried.

"Pihu, you make me the happiest person in the world and if you'd let me, I want to try to make you happy for the rest of your life, until we're old and wrinkly, well you won't be because you'll mosturize away all the -"

"Vee!" I shouted, smiling despite the tears.

"I'm rambling, aren't I?" He chuckled nervously. "God, Pihu. You make me this way, I'm more nervous doing this than playing cricket but what I want to say is that - will you marry me?"



"How long did it take for you to memorise the entire thing?" I asked him in the night, while still admiring the ring that proudly sat on my finger.

"Eh, I winged it-"

"Don't lie."

"A week."


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