ένδεκα - eleven

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At the BCCI Office, Monday Morning

"All the newspapers, Virat." Arun put the papers down in front of his face.

"Aare, that girl was getting molested! What was I supposed to do, let her be?" He argued back.

"No, well maybe you could've taken the back door?" Libby spoke, looking up from the iPad. "Look, damage control using the news is impossible." She said, locking the iPad.

"What's so wrong about the picture, anyway?" Virat asks, frustrated.

"The picture tells us that you're molesting her while she's completely put of it." Arun tells him, being serious. "I know it's not true because the girl testified." He nodded.

"Wait, you know the girl?" Virat looks up at him.

"She works here as a ICC representative and for the time being, she's going to handle your team." He said.

"Hold up." Libby stood up from the chair. "All Pihu needs to do is say something positive to the public." She said, slowly.

"What are you implying?" Arun asked.

"Call Pihu. They both need to be here." She says, looking at the men.

"So, Pihu meet Virat. Virat meet Pihu." Arun said to the both of them, a wide smile on his face. Completely contradicting his expressions, Virat and Pihu sat with scowls on their faces.

"We've met, actually." Virat supplies, looking at her. "She's the rude as fuck elevator girl." Libby awes at that.

"Aw, I'm flattered that you talk about me." Pihu says, keeping a hand on her chest. Virat glared at her.

"Okay, can we talk now?" Libby asks, amused at the two.

"Sorry, ma'am." Pihu answers, keeping her head low but not before giving a scowl aimed at Virat. Thankfully, Virat doesn't catch it.

"What's the plan, Libby?" Arun asks, impatiently.

"So, all we need to explain the picture is a positive response from Pihu and Virat, right?" Libby asks the group, pacing around the conference room.

"I think we've covered that." Virat responds and Pihu shoots a look at him.

"So," Libby continues. "Why not make the two of them date?"

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